Chapter 2

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I blinked my eyes open my head was throbbing and my vision was fuzzy. I went to move my hands to wipe my hair out of my face and found my hands tied together with twine. I pulled at the bind but it just cut into my skin more making it tighter.

I whimpered as I tried to move, my entire body was sore. I sat up and took in my surroundings. There wasn't much. I was in a very small room with a thin cot and a bucket in the corner. I stood up slowly and went over to sit on the cot.

I have no idea where I am and the last thing I remember was getting thrown in the back of a truck. I heard footsteps above me and then a light came in through the ceiling. I blinked my eyes not used to the light. A ladder was put down and a person started to come down. I got up quickly and ran at the ladder pushing it over. The person fell off with a thump.

I looked down at the. Woman? What the hell? "Jane!" A voice called down before a guy leaped down landing neatly on the ground. The woman groaned rolling over on the ground. The guy took one look at her and advanced on me. I backed up against the wall and he grabbed my hair pissed off and pulled on it throwing me across the room. I had no balance and fell flat to my face.

"Jane are you alright?" He asked kneeling by the woman. She nodded and he helped her up. She pushed her hair back staring at me. "I'm gonna go get the stuff I will be back." She put the ladder back up and climbed out.

He stared at me pissed off. "Why am I here?" I croaked. He chuckled at me shaking his head but not speaking. He walked over to me and grabbed my hair making me stand. "Cause we can." He said in my face. A chair came sliding down the ladder landing at his feet. He pushed me to the floor and I crumpled there. He set the chair up harshly before wandering over to a chest. He opened it up pulling a few things out.

I tried to see what they were but he blocked my view. "Sit in the chair." He demanded. I didn't move. "I said sit in the chair before I kill you!" He yelled not even turning towards me. I got up and sat in the foldable chair. He walked over to me an I saw twine bungee cords and silver wire.

I started to shake. I was so scared right now. He went behind me and undid the twine slightly but only before tying the silver wire around my wrists. "I wouldn't struggle against those much they can cut down to the bone." He said cockily taking the twine off.

He moved around to my from and started to tie my ankles to the front legs of the chair. He stood up and took a bungee cord and put it around my chest tightly binding me to the chair. He sat on my knees gently. He stared at my face before tracing my jaw line with his finger. "You look very pretty tied up like that." He commented. I squirmed and tried to get away from his touch when the girl came down the stairs.

I breathed a sigh of relief when he got off my lap. I couldn't see what she was holding but she put a salon jacket thing around me tying it at my neck. "Now don't move if you want it to come out good." She said and she picked up a piece of my hair and suddenly it was gone.

I gasped as she began to take off my curls. I felt tears start to steadily stream down my face. They were taking my curls away. "Quit crying or you will get a buzz cut." She snapped. I sniffled trying to stop the tears.

Soon the last curl fell to the ground. She put a mirror in front of my face and I burst into tears again. I didn't look good at all. All my curls were gone and my hair was as short as Liam's was now. A hard slap went across my face.

"I said stop crying." I looked down at my lap refusing to make eye contact. The jacket was removed and then the bungee cord and lastly the ankle ties. The guy grabbed my shoulder bringing me up to a standing position.

He pushed me towards the ladder. "Climb." He demanded. I looked at him scared. I didn't have my hands. "I said climb god damn it!" He yelled. I started to climb carefully not wanting to fall. It was really hard but I made it. I stood up outside of the hole and found I was in a house.

I saw a window and saw corn. Corn and darkness it was probably late. No one would be looking for me. Unless Louis got my voicemail. Or it's still going. The guy came up behind me and pushed me into the wall harshly.

I winced as the air was knocked out of my lungs. He grabbed my shirt and dragged me to a door and threw it open and I saw the bathroom in there. He pushed me in and I tripped and fell to the floor. I got up slowly. I glanced at him to see him with a knife.

He was smiling demonically at me. He started to walk near me and I pushed away trying to get away from him. That just made him smile more he grabbed my arm and yanked me to stand. He adjusted my shirt on my shoulders.

Then he took the pocket knife and started to cut at my shirt until it was in pieces on the floor. He ran the knife lightly on my chest. Not enough to cut me but enough to make me shiver away from the cold blade. He laughed deeply in his throat. He began to cut at my pants.

He made quick work of them and took off my shoes. He started to strip himself and I looked away. I already knew my fate and all I hoped was that he didn't notice my phone in my pocket still.

Get in. He pointed at the shower. It was open slightly and I used my foot to open it. I was shaking even harder now when I realized that there was all mirrors in the shower. Whatever he was going to do I would be able to see from all angles.

He got in fully naked and I closed my eyes not wanting to see anything. He pulled at my underwear until they were by my ankles. I refused to open my eyes as he turned the shower on. I shivered under the cold water but slowly it became warmer.

"I want your eyes open Hazza." He whispered in my ear. I shook my head determinedly. "If you don't open your eyes I can arrange for a certain tool used to punish slaves to be used after this." He told me massaging my shoulders which only made me more tense.

I slowly opened my eyes to see him standing behind me. He was entirely hard and he had the look of lust in his eyes. "I heard you like it up your ass." I looked at a corner where there was nothing. I felt his hands start to move downwards to my butt. He began to swirl his fingers around my hole before he slipped one in causing me to jolt forward away from him. I stared at him in fear.

"I'll have none of that and if you don't want the prep then that's your choice." He said pissed. "Please you don't have to do this." I pleaded. "Oh but I want too." I felt the knife touch my wrists and then they were unbound.

Instantly the knife was at my neck. "Don't even try anything. Now lean over and grip the back of your calves." I stared at him pleadingly. "NOW!" He snapped. I reluctantly bent down. I grabbed the back of my knees to steady myself. "I said your calves not your knees!" He grabbed my hands and placed them roughly behind my calves.

"Now I want you to beg me not to do it." He said. "Please." I whispered. "I want more." He told me. "Please don't." I said. He smirked at me. "If you beg enough maybe I won't do it." He said thoughtfully.

This was my chance. "Please I'm begging you don't do it you have no reason. I didn't do anything to you! I just wanna go ho-" I was cut off by him thrusting fully in me. I let out a scream as he began to pound inside of me. I could feel myself ripping.

His hand went over my mouth and muffled my screams for a moment. "The louder you scream the more enjoyable this is for me." He adjusted his thrusting so he was going straight into my prostate. My knees went weak and I fell against one of the mirrors shattering it. I fell out of the shower and landed on my hands. I felt a pieces of glass go into my body as I fell to the ground.

My face landed on where my phone was in my jeans and I heard a faint beep of the end of a call. I had hope after all! He grabbed my arms and yanked me up. "You can't hold your own weight well then lean against the sink!" He pushed me up against the sink and I stepped on a shard of glass.

I gasped in pain grabbing my foot. It was bleeding heavily. His eyes flashed something other than lust and he made me sit on the toilet. He grabbed the piece of glass and pulled it out. I was crying steady tears. He opened up a cabinet and took out some gauze. He wrapped up my heel tightly. I rubbed at my wrists feeling the marks of the wire.

"C'mon." He grabbed my arm and made me stand. I didn't put any pressure on my heel as he pulled me through the door to the bathroom naked. He had gotten a towel wrapped around him by now. "Ooooo eye candy." Jane said from behind us. "Stop gawking he is mine." He spat pulling me back to the trap door angrily.

He pointed at the opening and I slowly began to make my way down. I heard some yelling above me and the trap door closed leaving me in darkness.

Chapter End Notes:
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