Chapter 9

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Harry's breathing came quick and fast as he began to hyperventilate. I recognized him having a pain attack and I made him lie down. He was freaking out. Someone handed me a hospital barf bag and I put it over his mouth and he breathed in it.

"I'm coming for you Harry. Your boyfriend won't save you next time. für immer meins." The guards dragged him out. Harry freaked out more but not because of the panic attack. He grabbed onto me and held me so tight.

"What did he say?" I asked him. Harry shook his head against my neck and I held him gently. "He needs to get back in bed. We have to clean the wound on his arm." A nurse told us. "Wound?" I looked at Harry's body covered in deep scars and bruises to see his arm coated in blood where the IV was half ripped out.

I slowly stood up supporting Harry in my arms. I placed him on the bed and the nurses instantly started to try and fix his arm. That was when it registered in my brain that my shirt was wet. I looked down to see it covered in Harry's blood. "B-b-blood" I stuttered out. "He has lost consciousness we are gonna have to take him into surgery. " one of the nurses said starting to push the bed out of the room.

I attempted to follow but was pulled back by Paul as they rushed. I fought against his grip trying to get to him. "Louis stop fighting." He said to me gently. "Harry." I sobbed. "I know Lou it won't help if you are there come sit down and let me get you a new shirt." He made me sit in a chair and he grabbed the bag the boys had brought in.

I stared blankly as he took the shirt that was soaked in Harry's blood off of me. Slipping the other one over my shoulders. I curled up on myself in the chair and cried into my arms. Paul rubbed my back gently. "Liam quit it you already beat the shit out of him." I heard Zayn say as they walked into the room.

"Where's Harry." Niall asked abruptly at the absence of the bed. "He had to be taken into emergency surgery he ripped open a major artery when he fell off the bed. I sucked in a deep breath as I remembered the blood everywhere.

"Liam beat the shit out of the fucker." Zayn told me sitting in the space between me and the chair. He wrapped his arms around me as he did whenever I broke down. "Did he feel the pain?" I asked quietly. "Liam could've killed him if the I hadn't dragged him off." He replied.

I smiled slightly knowing that Liam hit him. Liam had some anger problems so he took boxing lessons at the gym. Zayn was the only person that was even close to his strength and Zayn could usually calm him down quickly.

A loud bang sounded and he jumped and looked up to see Liam had dented the bathroom door. He held his fist in pain. "That's a metal door mate." Niall said comically. I turned my body and buried my face in Zayn's shirt.

He stroked my hair softly. "Niall Liam could you go get him some food I don't think he has eaten." Zayn asked softly. Three pairs of feet shuffled out knowing that Zayn wanted some alone time with me.

"Do you want me to sing?" He asked knowing I usually was able to calm down when he sang to me. "Could you sing moments?" I whispered. "Of course babe." Zayn began to sing Liam's part as I felt myself start to fail. I could feel myself growing tired and soon I was sleeping in Zayn's arms.

Harry's POV:

I blinked open my eyes to white. It wasn't unusual that I woke up to lights in my eyes. I went to pull on my restraints but found they weren't there. I sat up in alarm and all I could see around me was white. "Hello?!" I called out. No response came and I picked myself up off the bed expecting the usual pains but found I could move with ease.

I swung my feet out over the white and put my foot down gingerly to find a solid floor. I stood up and felt no pain. This is unreal. I lifted my shirt to see all my scars and burns. My skin was purple and soon my white shirt was stained red with blood. I screamed as I saw my arm bleeding but no pain.

"Don't fret. It won't hurt you." A voice said. I turned and saw Louis standing behind me. "Lou." I breathed. "Not exactly." He replied. I went over him and touched his face. It felt like Louis. "Who are you then?" The Louis before me smiled and gestured for me to sit on the bed next to me.

I sat down. "I am a guide. I appeare in a form that appeals to you. I meet people like you who are dwindling on the edge." He said. "I'm dead?" I whispered. "No. Not exactly. Your here because you have a choice. The way you feel right now? You have a choice. You could stay this way forever. Or..." He lifted up my shirt. Gesturing to my injuries. "You could go back. And deal with these injuries. It would be amounts of pain." He said looking into my eyes.

"I don't know what to do." I sighed putting my hands in my hair. "Do you want to watch?" He asked gently.

"Watch?" I asked. "What is going on while you are here you can see the doctors working your surgery, Liam beating the shit out of Jake, or Louis breaking down." He replied gently. I looked at my hands. "Does he love me?" I whispered.

"Look for yourself." I looked down where he pointed at the floor to where I was looking in on Louis's room. He had his hand around his cock and it was when we were in X-Factor days. He was moaning my name as he jerked off.

The scene changed to him sobbing in managements studio. Eleanor was sitting next to him and they shook hands awkwardly and they both signed a contract. It changed again to see Louis in the bathroom recently. He slashed his skin with a razor and I winced each time it cut him as I remembered my scars and when I used to do it too. I subconsciously looked down to my wrist where my scars are. I looked back to see slashes across Louis's thighs and my name written along with them.

I felt tears prick my eyes as it showed the present and Louis was curled in the chair at the hospital sobbing in Zayn's arms. "I can't leave him." I told the spirit Louis. "Either way you wouldn't be. One way you could be with him physically. The other you could protect him and love him." He told me. "I want to go back." I insisted.

The spirit nodded understandingly. "I will be seeing you soon Harry. Your road is a hard one but with the right people surrounding you. You will walk it right." He touched my forehead and I fell into a deep sleep.


I blinked my eyes open to the darkness of a hospital room. I moved my head. Louis was tucked into an arm chair by my head and his head was resting on my bed by my hip. I picked my hand up wincing at the pain and stroked his hair lightly. I was home.



Hi there.




But here it is! Took a little longer than I wanted it too so I'm extremely sorry about that!

So anyways I have a twitter now and I will be posting updates about all my fanfics including Beaten and this one!

Also I have an Instagram that is purely original smuts. It's great fun.

IG: @/larrynerds

TWITTER: @/16waystodie

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