Chapter 3

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Louis POV:

Harry had called me a couple of hours ago. But I didn't want to hear it. He had kissed me. Fucking kissed me! I opened my phone up to see I had a new voicemail from Harry. Wait. He called me a couple of hours ago but not since then. I opened it up curiously. I heard the sound of walking and rustling. He must have butt dialed me. I went to go delete it went I heard a thud on the other end of the phone. I snapped it back up to my ear.

"Got him!" A male voice yelled. Got him what the fuck? There was the sound of a garbage bag and then it sounded like they picked up Harry. There was another thud and a sound of a car starting. "Louis." I heard Harry moan as the car started to drive. There was a sound of sliding and a big slap of something hit something metal ringing out.

The car stopped and there were footsteps. "What happened?" A female voice called out. "The fucking idiot knocked himself out!" The same guys voice called back. "Whatever it will make things easier." The woman said. I stopped the recording and pulled up my dialer. I dialed 911.

"911 what is the state of your emergency?"
"Hi my name is Louis Tomlinson and I need to report a missing person. My friend Harry Styles was kidnapped at around 9 pm today."
"Sir it has only been 4 hours you can't issue a missing person until 24 hours."
"I have audio of when he got kidnapped he must've butt dialed me but I got everything on recording."
"Ok someone will be over to your location briefly."

I hung up the phone and started pacing. What evil things have these people done to Harry already. God I should've answered. I called Niall.

"What's up Lou?"
"Harry got kidnapped."
"He butt dialed me and left a voicemail of it."
"OMG Harry holy shit."
"Niall I'm freaking out can you come over except don't walk. And can you call Liam? He can tell Zayn."
"Ok hang on and don't do anything stupid I will be over soon."

He hung up and I went back to pacing. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have slapped him. God he could be dead now. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I'm screwed. A knock came on my door and I ran to open it. It was Niall. I grabbed him in a hug.

He returned it. "Are you alright?" He asked. I shook my head no. "We will find him." He said patting my back. "What if he is dead?" My voice cracked and if it had been any other situation I would've been laughed at for the next hour but Niall didn't notice. "How long is the voicemail?" He asked. "I don't know I didn't listen to the entire thing." I whispered. He pulled away. "He might not have hung up until his phone died. " he said hopefully.

I nodded with tears in my eyes. What would they do to him when they found out he had been leaving a voicemail the entire time. Another knock came on the door. Niall went to the door and opened it to see the policemen. "We are here about the missing person."


It's been three hours and Niall still hasn't come out of the room. Him and the policemen were listening to the voice mail. They had to kick me out because I started to pace and throw things. A door opened and I snapped my head up to see Niall standing there looking shooken up and scared.

"Is he alive?" I asked urgently getting up from my chair. Niall nodded slowly. "What happened?" I asked worried. "Louis I don't think you want to know. In sorry" I stared at him. "Niall please." I pleaded.

"Louis I really don't want to tell you." Niall said trying to walk away. I grabbed his arm. "Niall tell me god damn it!" I snapped. He looked at the ground. "Harry got raped." He whispered. I froze. "By a guy or a girl" I asked slowly. "A guy we heard a shatter and then a thump then phone was hung up." Oh my god. Harry." I whispered.

"They might be able to track the phone. They have gotten half the route that they took but they don't know his exact location yet." Niall said quietly. I sat down silently. Niall rubbed my back gently. "They are trying their hardest Lou. They are gonna do their best."

I put my head in my hands. "Can you call Zayn and Liam?" I asked. "Yeah. I will be right back." I got up from the plastic chair and started to pace. Why the fuck would someone take Harry? It could've been one of our fans. But they wouldn't do that. Would they?

I felt a hand come down on my shoulder and I jumped. I whipped around to see Niall. "I called the guys.... I want you to come over to my house tonight." I nodded my agreement and he began to lead me out to the car.

**************harrys pov*****************

I sat on the cot after rooting around for it in the darkness. I grabbed the thin blanket and wrapped it around me. I could feel my body start to tremble and I fought the tears. I heard the yelling end and footsteps near the trap door. It opened and I huddled against the wall scared.

It was the guy coming down the ladder. He couldn't be too much older than me. The tears started to fall when he reached the bottom of the stairs. He stood there staring at me. At least he was fully dressed this time. He had an evil smirk on his face.

"It's bedtime Harry." He cooed walking over to the chest in the corner. He ruffled through it until he found four pairs of handcuffs. I started to shake even more as he walked over to me. "Please." I begged quietly. He just smirked more.

"How would you like to sleep? Hands together or apart?" I refused to look at him. "Don't answer me then." He sat on the cot and I scooted away from him quickly. "I will have none of that!" He exclaimed grabbing my arm and yanking me back.

I whimpered in his grasp when his eyes lit up like he got an idea. He grabbed one of the pairs of handcuffs and put them over my wrists locking them. He did the same to my ankles. Then he released me and walked over to the chest again.

He reached in and pulled out a table tennis paddle. My eyes widened and I tried to go into a corner of the bed. "You have been naughty Harry. And naughty boys have to be punished." He said walking over to the bed. He reached out to grab me and I shrunk back falling off the bed. I squeaked as i hit the ground. He tsked at me.

He walked over and picked me up. I desperately tried to keep my blanket over me. He yanked it from my grip and threw it across the room. I whimpered at being fully exposed to him. He brought me to the chair that was still there. He put me on my feet and held my arm tightly as he sat down on the chair. He pulled me fast so I fell down my face falling onto his lap. He chuckled before sliding me more over his lap so my face was near the floor and my butt was on his lap.

"You need to learn not to disobey me Harry. Your gonna be here for a while and it's better if you learn that now instead of later." He said leaning over me for a minute. I felt the rough rubber of the paddle rub on my butt. I closed my eyes tightly.

Suddenly the pressure was gone and it landed on my bare buck with a loud smack. I cried out as the pain rushed through my body. It came back down hard and quick so many times I lost count. He stopped briefly. "Are you gonna listen to me now?" He asked. I was hysterical by now and I was crying hard. I nodded my head just hoping it would stop. There was a loud slap as the paddle hit my butt one last time. It hurt worse then all of the others.

He put the paddle down and began to rub my butt gently. "That was just for earlier. I don't think you have learned your lesson yet." I began to cry harder at that. "Aw babe stop crying. I'm not gonna spank you again." He cooed.

I kept crying as he rubbed my raw and sore butt with his hand. He grabbed my shoulders and had me stand up. He got up from the chair and put me back across it gently. "I'll be right back with your punishment." He said before walking back to the chest. I could hear him moving stuff around and I feared what he would bring back.

He stopped moving things and I heard him walking back. "Since I didn't get what I wanted earlier. You get to feel my frustration." He whispered in my ear. He went back to my behind and unlocked my ankles. He spread my legs open fully exposing me. He opened up a cap and I heard a squirt of something. Probably lube. He is gonna rape me again.

I felt something poke at my hole before slipping all the way in. I cried out at the sensation of being stretched and whatever it was was just poking my prostate. I could feel myself getting slightly hard. He pushed my legs back together moving what I think was a butt plug inside of me. I moaned as it touched my prostate.

He chuckled. "I like seeing you like this Harry." He said. He flipped me over making me moan as the thing inside of me moved. He took something from off the ground and my eyes widen. It's a cock ring. He smirked at my shocked expression.

"You will be begging for me in the morning." He said seductively. He put the ring over my length securing it in place. He then slipped a pair of boxers over my ankles and pulled them up. He put a pair of sweatpants on me before locking my ankles up. He then picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

I stifled the moan as he tossed me on the bed. I screamed as I landed on my sore behind. He threw the pillow over my face and leaned down cutting off my air supply. I struggled underneath him and he finally pulled it off. He smiled down at me and put the pillow under my head gently.

He used the extra handcuffs to attach me to the bed frame so I can't move. I felt stretched out and helpless. I was scared. He pulled a small box from his pocket smiling evilly. He pushed down on a button and a vibrating pleasure came from the toy.

I gasped and began to moan as the vibrations rocked through me. "Enjoy waking up to that." He said turning it off. I stared at him curiously. "What?" I asked. He just smiled and climbed the ladder. The room went dark and I tried to get comfortable in the position. It didn't work.

I sighed and just closed my eyes. I started to drift off when the vibrations started again but more violent. Moans littered from my lips and I was rock solid hard. They begin to get faster and I need to release so bad but the cock ring refuses to let me.

Suddenly the vibrations stop and I sigh in annoyance. If this was how the night was gonna go. I better get sleep while I can. I closed my eyes and willed sleep which came easily. But was interrupted many times due to the vibrations.


The vibrations started again and I woke up to see my kidnappers face in front of mine. I screamed outloud. He fell back laughing. My lower region was in immense pain right now and I groaned no longer feeling pleasure. He could hear the pain in my voice.

He reached his hand into my pants and took the cock ring off. He slipped my pants down. "Beg." He stated. I remained silent. "Beg or I will punish you again." He said coldly. "Please let me release." I asked painfully. He reached out and stroked me once before I released all over his hand. He licked his hand staring at my face.

"Round two will be in five." He said cheerfully standing up and skipping over to the chest. I have begun to hate that chest. This time he had a condom and a piece of black fabric. He grinned at me before wrapping it around my eyes. I started to shake violently. I was scared of being blindfolded. Let alone with a kidnapper.

The fact that he planned to rape me just made me shake harder. "Aww babe don't be scared." He said stroking my bare shoulders. I tensed up. "Relax you have been stretched all night it won't hurt." I felt him get on the cot going over me. I started to hyperventilate.

"Jesus Harry I haven't done anything!" He exclaimed. I was in full out panic mode. Suddenly a cloth was placed over my mouth and nose. I instantly went weak. I was aware of everything but couldn't move. I was still crying but they were silent tears.

"That's better." He whispered in my ear. He unlocked my ankles and turned me around twisting my arms. I couldn't see what he was doing and it scared me. I felt his lips attach to my collar bone biting and kissing. He then put his fingers in my mouth. "Suck." He demanded. I didn't move. He removed his fingers.

They went down to my but an slowly removed the plug inside of me. I whimpered at the empty feeling. He then adjusted himself and he thrusted up into me. I made my hands into fists as he began to pound into me. "Your my submissive. Tell me your my submissive and I'm your dominant." He growled biting on my ear.

I stayed silent. Too scared to do anything. He realized I wasn't gonna talk and he adjusted his thrusting before slamming into me even harder. I was sobbing now. I felt no pleasure in this. "Tell me!" He demanded.

"I am your submissive you are my dominant!" I cried out in pain. He released into the condom panting. He collapsed against my back and I winced at the contact. I wanted him out of me. "We are gonna have a lot of fun together Curly." He said twirling one of my curls with his fingers. I shuddered. I just lost my male virginity to my kidnapper

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