Chapter 10

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I stroked Louis's hair gently as the minutes ticked by. His hair was greasy an unkept but I couldn't keep my hands off it. He was alive. I was alive. We were together. A nurse came in and pushed her little cart in. She jumped when she saw me looking at her.

"Jesus!" She exclaimed. I gave her a weak smile before turning my attention back to Louis. "I know your weak hun. You want me to wake him up? Is there anything you need?" She asked. I nodded my head and whispered hoarsely "water". She smiled and shook Louis's shoulder gently.

He snapped up knocking my arm off him and I hissed in pain when my hand hit the metal of the bed. "Huh?!" He said hazily. "Look your boyfriend is awake." She whispered softly to him. He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"I will get you that water love. Don't fall asleep on me." The nurse said walking out. I reached for his hand and he held mine as I traced over his bony hand with my thumb. He stared at our hands. "You almost died." He whispered not making eye contact.

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't make anything out. I drew letters on Louis's hand saying 'I know' He looked up at my face. The nurse hurried back in with a bottle of water and a straw. She handed it to Louis. "Make sure he drinks that."

She left an he made my bed sit up a bit. An animalistic sound came from my mouth as all my injuries came rushing back to me and the pain washed over. He instantly stopped the movement. "Are you ok?!" He asked frantically. I nodded through gritted teeth.

He held the straw to my lips and I sucked down the cold liquid easily. He pulled it away when I finished and placed it down. "Sit." I whispered my voice still hurting. He sat in his chair and I shook my head patting the space beside me.

I scooted towards the side and a searing pain was sent up my right arm. I felt tears coming but pushed them away. Louis pressed the nurse call button. "I think we need some morphine." He told the woman who answered. "Come sit." I told him patting the bed beside me. He shook his head. "Don't wanna hurt you." He mumbled.

"Just sit Lou." I grabbed his arm and pulled on it gently till he sat. I then grabbed his shoulder and had him lie down. I grabbed him in a one armed hug. He looked up at my face. "Hold me?" I whispered hesitantly. He looked at my body before gently placing his arm around my torso.

I put his head over my heart and he sighed loudly. I stroked his hair lightly just savoring the moment. A nurse came in with a small machine and a syringe. "So I'm gonna set this for 5 minutes and when it beeps call me in." She said attaching the tube too my new IV.

Medicine began to flow and it felt like fire in my veins. She left and I tried to ignore it but I began to get nauseous and my stomach was in immense pain. I began to sob as the fire expanded and the pain spread and didn't stop. I began to get dizzy and part of me was aware of Louis freaking out but all I could focus on was the pain which kept intensifying.

"Louis it hurts so bad." I sobbed. "The doctor didn't take into mind your weight and set the time for 5 minutes rather than 10. It will be over soon the injection will end in 30 seconds. I writhed around on the bed trying to make it stop but only continued to make the pain worse.

"Make it stop!" Louis yelled at the nurse who just held my good hand. "It's ok baby. Gonna be over soon." She whispered running circles. Louis continued to yell at her. Someone came in and I looked over to see a needle stabbed into Louis's neck and he dropped to the floor.

I screamed as the contents of my stomach came up and I threw up over the side of the bed and I writhed in pain. "Go to sleep Hun." She whispered and I closed my eyes feeling extremely tired and drifted to sleep.


"Hello Louis." Jake said into the phone. I stared at him wide eyed. He put him on speaker phone and placed the phone on the bed next to me. "WHERE THE FUCK I S HARRY YOU BASTARD?!" Louis yelled in the phone.

"Harry is right here. Say hello Harry." He pinched my leg really hard when I refused. I yelped and let out a squeaky "hi". "Harry?" Louis whispered. "I just wanted to remind you that you can't do anything. And just remember if you hang up. I will hurt him more." Jake said going over to the chest. "Louis. Hang up right now." I said immediately seeing him bringing out his toys.

"No he will hurt you!" "Hang up Louis!" I pleaded. I was met with a slap across my face. "Bitch shut the fuck up!" Jake yelled. "Don't touch him!!" Louis yelled through the phone. "Do you know what a vibrator is Louis? Well I have 2 of them in my hand and do you know where they go? In your boyfriend." He said dauntingly. "Louis hang up!" I protested.

"You know this would be more fun if you could see it! Louis log on Skype. And if you don't I will hurt him till he wishes he was dead." Jake threatened. "O-o-ok" Louis said nervously and Jale brought the webcam over. He positioned it so that my entire body could be seen. He then went too his chest and slipped on a black body suit. I began to shake and freak cause I didn't want Louis to see me like this. The Skype popped up and I could hear Louis gasp through the phone.

I pulled half heartlessly at the restraints on my wrists and ankles but nothing worked. Jake took the first vibrator and poked it at my entrance. I bucked my hips up trying to get away from it. But he stuck it in me and turned it on full power.

I couldn't help the moans that came from my mouth as it vibrated against my prostate. Then he picked the second one up and I shook my head at him. "No no no please." I begged. He shoved it in next to the other one and I screamed as I felt u was being ripped in two. "STOP!" Louis yelled through the phone but he continued slipping a cock ring firmly over my length. Then he took out the burner. "No! No! No! Please I will do anything please!" I begged as he started to heat the points up.

"What are you doing?!" Louis asked angrily. "Heating up the burners." He took one of them out of the socket and started to bring it towards my skin slowly. I sucked in my stomach as he came towards it with the burners.

He pressed a button and the vibrators moved inside of me and I moaned as the new position started vibrating. Then the burner hit my skin and I screamed as my flesh began to burn. "I think we will do eight..."

*****. ******

"Harry?!" I snapped open my eyes to see Louis's worried face above me. I grabbed him in a hug immediately. "Louis." I whispered starting to cry into his shoulder. "What happened love?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"I had a dream. Well not a dream. It was a memory. Of when-. Of when he made you watch." I said blushing. His face turned hard and he looked at me. "I shouldn't have hung up." He said angrily. "I told you too. I didn't want you to see me like that." I whispered.

"What did he do?" He whispered nuzzling into my chest. I reached down and lifted my hospital gown and showed him the cuts on my leg. "I thought I was going to die. It was the only moment I was truly happy in there." Louis began to sob in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I'm so sorry for everything. Don't you dare leave me ever again!" He whisper yelled at me. "Louis?" I asked unsure. "Hmm?" I lifted my arms from around him and he sat up confused. "Show me your thigh." I whispered. His eyes widened and then he blushed turning away. "Why?" "Do it."

He pulled down his pants turned away from me and I felt my breath catch in my throat at how skinny he was. He turned around and there it was 'HARRY' cut into his thigh along with slash marks and cuts. "C'mere" I whispered sadly extending my arm out to him. I pulled his legs so they were over my lap and I winced as a sharp pain ran up my body but I ignored it. I traced over the cuts and had Louis lie against me.

"Don't ever do it again." I told him. He shrugged against me. His hand sneaked up my gown to my chest and he traced gently over the burns and cuts on my skin. "Do they hurt?"

"Only when I remember how I got them. "



So I just wanted to do another chapter cause I have so much time on my hands this week so here it is!!



I put that in caps so it would get your attention :3


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