Chapter 14: Break

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A/N: Wooh. I know some of you are confused by what I'm doing with all of these seemingly random scenes and point of view changes. It'll all come together, just watch. I originally didn't mean to break up Ron and Hermione and Ginny and Dean, but I accidentally wrote the fluffy shower comforting between Ron and Dean and I couldn't bring myself to erase it. Whoops. I do like writing with the large amount of characters though, it really helps me and I think its a pretty unique writing style. I do hope you all enjoy it and please, read and review.

Disclaimer: Insert a badly veiled sarcastic joke here, including topics of me not being JKR and claiming nothing but my own plot and OCs


Blaise woke up in his bed, groaning. His ribs were still wrapped, they weren't growing back at the best pace. Not since the incident.

"Y'okay there, mate?" Seamus' voice came from the doorway. He was propped against the wall looking in.

"I think so, ribs hurt." Blaise groaned a bit, lifting himself off his bed. He grabbed his wand and used a replacement charm to dress himself. "Can you come check them? I think one of them is growing wrong."

Blaise's breath hitched as Seamus walked up and began feeling his upper abdomen.

"I know it hurts, but we can't mend it with magic while you have skelegrow this concentrated on your system." Seamus pushed upwards on one rib and tightened the wrap. "There, Fixed."

Blaise sighed and released a deep breath. "Thanks." He raised his wand and swung it in an arc around his sleeping area. "Pack."
Blaise's items all fit neatly into his trunk. "Reducio." The trunk shrunk. Blaise put in in his pocket and half-hugged Seamus.

"Thanks for everything. Have a good solstice, Shay."

"Y'too, Blaise."

Blaise walked down to meet Dalton and Ethan before departing for hogsmeade. They were the only one's who knew that his mother disowned him, but Blaise wasn't upset.

He was living with his love.


Hermione arrived home with a distinct pop. She hadn't been to this house in nearly 2 years.

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