Chapter 18: Yule

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A/N: I had a bit of writers block at the end of last chapter. This resumes my story telling of Christmas, focusing in on Ginny's day, Draco's party, and Nigel and Luna having a nice Christmas date.

Disclaimer: how many time do I have to tell you people I'm not even from the UK I don't own anything but the plot or my characters.


Ginny woke up on Christmas morning feeling exhilerated. It was better than she'd felt since she and Dean had fallen apart. She woke up, got clothes together, and walked into her bathroom. She was the only one in the house with a bathroom to herself, thanks to her transfiguration skills. Having had an artist for a boyfriend, she could maintain the spell easily during her breaks, and through most of the summer.

She undressed and turned the shower to half exactly 1/2 flow of hot water, and 1/2 of cold water. It was the perfect temperature to soothe her muscles. She'd been neglecting her body all break, and she desperately needed to care for her hair. She washed it twice, and used conditioning potion 4 times in a row to give it the sleek, glossy sheen that she needed.

After having washed her body and hair, and clearing away any acne, she used a few dental charms that Hermione taught her.

She looked perfect, well-rested and clean. She pulled on a small shirt and her favorite jeans. She'd have worn a jumper if she didn't know that she got one annually.

She opened her door, peeked out, and made her way into the kitchen. George, Bill, Fleur, Victoire, and Her parents were there. Charlie was still in Romania, helping train a few newbies.

"Morning." George held out a cup of coffee to Ginny. "Don't light us on fire."

Ginny blushed, "Don't tease me about it and I won't."


"Ginny! I am zo zorry. I didn't reelize-" Ginny walked over to Fleur and pulled her into a hug.

"Forgiven. It wasn't meant to be. You just... Sped up the inevitable."

Fleur was speechless, having been targeted by Ginny and Molly since she met Bill. Ginny realized she'd never hugged Fleur before, so she prolonged letting go, to show how much she meant what she said.

Ginny released the hug. "Happy Christmas." She looked down at Victoire. The baby's hair was growing now and it was quite the odd sight. Usually when two people had a baby, the hair was one parents or the others.

This baby had slightly wavy, strawberry blonde hair. It's face was starting to freckle, but only across the cheeks. It was as if nature took everything from Bill, and sculped it into Fleur's perfections. Ginny picked up her niece.

"You're such a cute little Veela. You definitely have the allure going for you." She looked up to Fleur, who was smiling brighter than the sun.

Ginny was determined to make today a good day.

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