Chapter 16: Heterosexual

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A/N: I noticed I write all of my fluff for the homosexual couples. Figured I'd do a little bit for the Heterosexuals, I'll still mention my precious homosexuals, but they won't be the focus of this chapter. This chapter takes place on Christmas Eve.

Disclaimer: Yep, exactly what it is. Dis the claim. I don't own Harry Potter or any of these characters, except for my OCs. I only own my plot.


Harry and Seamus sat cross-legged on the bed, messing around with the bond.

"It's not fair. Y' always get to see through my eyes. Why can' I fall in'ta your mind?" Seamus grumbled. He closed his eyes and imagined the scene. A nice room, pure comfort for himself, and then saw a hole in the wall, but he couldn't get close to it. It was like a magnetic field was pushing him away.

"I guess maybe you're just more of an open book. We're the first people to be soul bonded since Guinevere and Lancelot, there's not a manual." Harry laughed, and fell into Seamus' mind just like he was describing to the Irishman. "Its weird seeing myself out of your eyes. So different from a mirror." Harry looked glassy-eyed and mesmerized as he watched himself speak. He snapped back into his mind. 'I can mentally talk with Seamus, I can feel his feelings, I can feel pain he feels. I wonder...'

Harry focused, closing his eyes. He mentally punched Seamus on the shoulder.

"Fuck!" Seamus grasped his arm, "how'd ye do that, 'arry?"

"Basics first, Shay." Harry grinned at the taller boy.

Seamus saw a devilish glint in the smaller boys eye. He was planning something with this newfound 'power'.


Ron woke up, his head on Dean's chest and his arms wrapped around him. Ron knew he should blush, and felt like he should be ashamed, but he relished in the feeling of hugging Dean, laying in bed with him. He closed his eyes and fell back to sleep, breathing in Dean's scent.

Parchment, Pastel Chalk, Wood. That's what Dean smelled like. Ron loved it.


Dean felt the redhead's heart quicken on his chest. He knew he'd woken up. Just as quickly as he woke up, he fell back to sleep.

"You really haven't slept properly since Hermione, huh..." Dean tightened the arm around Ron's hip.

Dean didn't know if his feelings for Ron were serious, but he did know that Ron needed him, and so he was there for him.

Besides, something about it just felt right.

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