Chapter 1

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Moon city, 

August, 2016

      "Luce! Wake up buddy or you're going to be late for your first day as your senior!" voice of a man in his late-thirties was heard in the house.

      "I'm up, I'm up!" was the reply.

      I got up from the bed yawing, rubbing my eyes, doing the usual stuff one does after waking up. Once I got out of the shower I dressed myself and looked at the mirror one last time. Black hair, Brown eyes, no sign of a miracle happening making me look like Robert Downey jr. after I woke up.

      Seeing no change in me, I head downstairs to eat my breakfast. Oh my look at my manners, I here yapping about all me looks and telling what I'm doing before even introducing myself. I'm Lucifer Johnson, 17 years old and recently a senior in the high school. I'm not a great believer in god and it's not because of my name being the name of the devil, no that's not the reason.

      I guess the reason is me being an orphan. You see, my dad was a dentist and my was a really friendly and warm kind of lady. They never did anything bad nor helped anyone doing something bad. Yet they were killed in an accident while I was alive with just some bruises and scars. While some call it miracle, I say god took two most important people in my life away from me while making me stay alive just so that I have live with the thought that my parent had to trade their life for mine. I was 12 when this all happened.

      After the accident, I went with my uncle to live with him. He didn't have any children and my aunt died when she was 25 due to some illness. My uncle never remarried, he thought he would be betraying his wife if he did so. I didn't complain. He was a great father-figure. He helped me with my homework; he helped me get over my parent's death; played with me; cooked for me. He was everything I could ask for.

      Anyways that was my life in a nutshell. I know that it ain't pretty but it is what it is. I look at the clock and seeing as I don't wanna be late for the first time and that too on the first day as a senior, I stoop up from the chair, grabbed my bag and head off to school.

      After a few minutes, I see the sight of my high school, 'Moon City High School'. It wasn't a prestigious school, just a local school meaning this is where the cliché high school setting takes place. Jocks, stuck-up princess, loners and geeks. I was somewhere between loner and geek. I'm not completely alone and nor am I super genius.

      Speaking of not being alone, I see my friends near the lockers, Alexander IV Harrison -I know, kinda too much royal name for guy who's favourite past time is to sleep- and Paige Green. I became friends with Alex because his locker was next to mine and since Paige and Alex were friends since middle school, I became Paige's friend too. Other than my uncle, I always thought I didn't have any reason to live, thinking no one would remember if I died. But after having friends, it was like I had more reason to live now. Though they weren't the only reason.

      Stella Robert, the most popular girl of the school and the most beautiful girl in the world, to me at least. I had a huge crush on her and I knew that nothing could ever happen but we don't choose we like. I get towards my locker and greet my friends.

      "Can you believe we are seniors? This is amazing!" Alex said with full of excitement.

      "Yeah I can believe that I'm a senior, though I am pretty surprised that you are a senior." I said with fake surprise expression.

      "I'm hurt that you think that about me" He mocked me with hurt expression. We kept at it till we reached the class and stopped talking once the teacher entered.

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