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      "Oi! Get your asses moving people, we're just about at the end"

      "Let us rest, the heat is killing us."

      "Water, I need water."

      "We'll have lots of time to rest later, so lift your asses, clean your skirts and start working!"

      About half a year ago, news about some great Egyptian king's tomb being found was heard. The news was about the tomb of the pharaoh Ramesses VIII. He was one of the pharaohs of new kingdom so it became a big deal. Going along with the tip, a group of archaeologists went to the location mentioned in the tip. And the news being true made them as happy as a mother giving birth to her child. A long process to get what you desired but in the end you are satisfied with the result. And right now they were very close to getting their sweet result.

      "Chief's getting quite hyped huh, liz?" James, a man in his mid-twenties said to his colleague, Lizbeth. 

     "Well who isn't? We're finally close to our first successful expedition. If chief hadn't said anything I would have been the one yelling at them." Liz replied. 

      "Hehehe well that would be a sight to see." He chuckled at what the sight would've been.

     After awhile, they reached their destination, or at least the entry way to it. A majestic, golden double-door entrance with intricate designs carved on it. Everybody was tired, hungry, thirsty, anxious but just the sight of the door made everyone happy. With quite a bit of force and caution, they managed to open the door and were met with an even more of an awe-striking sight in front of them. A beautiful hall with ceiling as high as three-story with multiple carved pillars supporting it. Even with the dust and smell of centuries old dead bodies of creatures, the hall still managed to maintain its beauty.

      Breaking away from their trance, James, along with others, started to explore the hall. The pillars were carved with symbols he had never seen before. A different language perhaps. His exploration led him to a podium in the center of the hall. The podium, as with the rest of the hall, was also dust covered but what was interesting was the thing on top of it. A black cube with symbols, similar to those he found on the pillars, carved onto it. They had discovered tomes of new kingdom pharaohs and their writing's were readable yet for some strange reason, the writings found in this hall seem to be originating from entirely new culture.

      It was a beautiful cube. A very clean cut of stone, with a shine as if the dust could never dull it's beauty and a blackness that would suck the light itself, yet it also had an irresistible feel to it. Enough that unconsciously, James went forward to touch it. Before he could snap out of it and think about the consequences of touching an unknown relic that very well might have been laced with poison, he was too late - his fingers touched the cube. He whipped his hand back and stared at the cube for several seconds. Before he could take a sigh of relief for not destroying a potential piece of relic, the symbols on the cube started to glow.

      "James, what did you do?" Liz asked him, noticing the strange event happening at the podium. 

      "I just touched it. I swear!" James said with a cracked voice, nervous and afraid for possibly ruining his and Liz's first successful expedition.

       After few moments, the cube stopped glowing and just when everybody took a sigh of relief, the cube opened up and with it a large pillar of blinding light shot out of it towards the ceiling. Once the pillar of light disappeared, everyone opened their eyes to see the remains of the strange event. Where once was the cube, now rested a book with a brown cover and silver metal edges along with a chain coming out of its binding. Afraid to go near the book, James leaned in a bit closer to see that it had a symbol on the cover - a circle with an eye on it.

      Curiosity mixed with fear held everybody, including James, from going near the book. Until Jack, the chief of the expedition, came forward and went towards the book with quite a bit of caution in his steps. With timid hands, he went ahead and touched the book. Nothing happened. He grabbed the book. Nothing happened. And nothing happened even when he opened the book.

       A look of confusion was appeared on Jack's face. "What is it? Can you read anything in it?" James asked, curiosity taking over his face. 

      "No, I can't. There's nothing written in it to read anything." Jack said flipping through pages delicately. "Alright everyone, let's continue to search what we came here for." He said with a sigh and handing the book to James, "And James, try not to touch anything from now on, okay? Good boy." Too engrossed in the book, James just nodded as he flipped through the blank pages. There wasn't even one spot on the plain sepia pages. They searched the hall everywhere but they didn't find the thing they came here for. There was no tomb, no writings on the wall or anything. All they found was a plain old blank book and symbols shrouded in mysteries. 

      Unknown to them, they managed to release something that might be good or bad for the world. Whatever it was, it sure as hell marked the day as the end of the era and start of a new era filled with mysteries and hope and despair.

Grimoire - The New Era [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now