Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and all the events that transpired yesterday seemed all just a dream but then one look at the tattoo made me realise that what my life is right now is not a dream but a new reality, no matter how unreal it seems. I activated my grimoire in the shower just to make sure, and it was real no doubt. I got down once I finished my usual chores and saw my breakfast covered up with a note beside it. 

'Make sure you finish it all up before you get to school, I had to go early due to some urgent work at the office. Have a great day boy and don't come home drunk again like last time.'

I said I wasn't drunk before. Ahh well, no use changing his opinion. I eat my breakfast, grabbed my belongings and went on my way to become smart. All my way to school, I thought about what to do with my new found ability. I thought of different scenarios like: not using my powers at all or I could practice it for fun, or maybe....

"Someone stop that guy! He stole my purse! Stop him!" I was interrupted by someone yelling to stop a thief. There's a lot of mugging going on around in this city, I never noticed. I spotted the thief and sprinted towards him. I found out that my ability 'Feather Rock' does not need me to activate my grimoire. It's an all-time active ability; it would prove quite useful in P.E. classes for sure.

Due to my increased speed, I caught up to the thief quite quickly. I grabbed his collar from behind and threw him on the wall, making sure to use minimal of my strength. Don't want to be seen as freaks now, do I? But it seems my plan didn't go entirely successful. He might not have been knocked out but I'm sure I broke his arm and unintentionally left some cracks on the wall too. Now the thief deserved it but I'm not paying for repair of the wall, I tell ya.

"T-Thank you *huff* for catching *huff* him. God you boys run fast." I looked to the owner of the voce. Turns out I was in for a surprise. It was Stella. She was gasping and looking beautiful. This bastard tried to still from her. I kicked the thief lightly.

"N-No problem ma'am" I said nervously and 'ma'am'? What the hell?

"Wait, I know you. Ah right! You're Lucifer." Ahh she remembered me, "The guy who went cold in front of me." 

"I kinda hoped you would forget that part. Good morning by the way, though not turning that good huh." I said indicating towards the thief.

"I would never forget the guy who went screaming in front of me and went unconscious, that's not the reaction I usually get. And thanks for getting my purse from him, guess I owe you now." She said with a sweet smile. 

"Well I heard you called for help when I went unconscious, so yeah just consider us even."

"Ok whatever you say mr.hero. Anyways, we should head to the school unless you want to be in detention."

"Yeah sure, let's go."

"So I finally remembered you. You're the unpopular nerd kid aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's one way to define me." It's not like I don't know what I am, it's just I don't like people reminding who I am. Even if it's Stella, especially Stella.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just what I've heard about you, though you seem good and a nice person to talk with, according to me." She tried to make me feel better and frankly it was making me feel better.

"I'm not a loner; it's just I like to be alone sometimes, which happen to be many times."

She chuckled and said, "I understand. I sometimes feel to be alone too, be in my own little world and not care about anything."

"Really? You, Stella Green, doesn't like to socialize? Forgive me but I find that hard to believe." She was the most popular girl in the school, so ofcourse I didn't believe her.

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