Chapter Three

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Thank you to everyone who reads my story! I know it isn't many and that my story is probably really bad, but thank you so much!

Evan Davidson had left my life three years ago. He was my first love and the first person I had ever seriously dated. It had been for most of Freshmen year and the following summer. When he had come to the school, I had always known he moved around a lot and could leave at any second. His dad worked in the military and he moved where they needed him, wether it was in our small town of Grandview, or in Italy. Wherever his dad went, Evan went with him. He had been there for a month, and had gotten me to go on a date with him. The rest was history. 

He moved the summer after freshmen year. When he got the news of him moving, we had decided not to try the long distance relationship thing. I still talked to him almost every day, but we were never dating after that. He had had a couple of girlfriends since then, and I had gone on some dates. We had both moved on, but in the way were we weren't mad or angry at the other person. I had visited him once and he had visited me. 

"Katherine Richardson. So lovely to see you again." He said, in a fake British accent. 

I was afraid to come any closer to him. It was like he wasn't real, like this was all a dream. I had never expected him to come back, and I had never thought he would do something as crazy as this.

"Evan. You should have told me you were coming back." I say to him, suddenly scared that he might be different. It had been a whole year since I had seen him in person, and I didn't want the good person I had known to come back scary or different.

"But wasn't this more fun?" He asked, taking a couple steps toward me.

I looked at him, and suddenly I couldn't handle it anymore. I took the couple steps needed to ge to him, and threw my arms around his waist. He was even taller than Ethan, and my head was in the middle of his chest. He wrapped his long arms around, resting his head on mine. I breathed in his scent of honey and lemons and closed my eyes. I never wanted to leave this place, because I knew I was safe. I knew that he would always protect me.

"How long are you in town? When are you going back to Europe?" Pulling away slightly so I could look up and try to look him in the eye. 

"I'm not. My dad has retired and we moved back here. Where all my friends and my favorite girl is."

My face couldn't hold the full grin that broke out. He was back, and this time for good!

"The truth is Katie, there isn't a day that's gone by that I didn't want you to be with me. I never got over you, and now that I'm here, and here for good, I want you to be my girlfriend again. I still love you and I never want to lose you." 

I let go of him and took a step back. Over the two and half years he had been gone, we had talked many times about both of us moving on, and not being hung up over the other. There was always a small part of me that would always love him, because he was my first. 

"Can I talk to you tomorrow?"

"That was the worst way to leave it off. He probably thinks I hate him now. I visibly saw his disappointment when I said that."

Brooke smiled a sad smile.

"Yeah well, he told you he still loved you and you said you would talk to him tomorrow. Can you blame him?" She said.

"Yeah well, that was way out of the blue. How are you supposed to respond when someone tells you they love you, and you had no idea?"

"Noah told me and I had no idea." Stephanie points out.

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