Chapter Nine

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And so it begins! Sorry if things are moving too fast but this is the way I planned for things to go. Also, if anyone is good at Photoshop, can you make me a better cover?!?!? Mine is so bad. Anyways if you like my story recommend it to a friend and vote! It really helps. 

Happy Reading!!

It was Monday morning and I was not looking forward to returning to school. After that Friday, Ethan and I spent the weekend at each other's houses, and Brooke and everyone and come to try and cheer us up. We had comforted each other and the sadness was gone, now replaced by anger. I knew that if Evan tried to talk to me, and he probably would, I would snap and say all the things that I wanted to say to him, which weren't very appropriate for a place of learning. 

I was at Ethan's house, and I was getting ready for school. After all the years, enough of my clothes and makeup and ended up at his house that I was able to get ready and find a bad ass outfit that would show Evan what he lost. My face was almost on and I was thirty minutes early of my schedule. I still had an hour till I had to be at school. I moved the mascara wand over my eyelashes one last time and I was officially ready for school. 

Ethan was already in the kitchen, pouring himself a bowl of cerel. Ella was still asleep. Ethan's dad, David, was in the kitchen as well, enjoying a cup of coffee before he had to go to work. 

"Ethan, I'm going to be home this weekend." David says, turning to his son.

"If you're taking off work because of what happened, don't. I'll be fine." Ethan replies, obviously not a morning person. Or at least not this morning. 

"No, I'm taking it off because I want to spend the weekend with you and Ella. Which reminds me, Katie we are going to have a lunch here on Saturday, just  the three of us. We would love to make it six, so please tell Kim that she and Jay and you are welcome to come. " David says, very quickly, leaning in to give me a one armed hug.

"Alright David, I'll tell them." Kim and Jay were my parents. 

He nods, gives a wave, and is gone. Ellen was already at work. They had to leave really early in the morning to be home when the kids got home. Luckily work was only fifteen minutes away, so if they were needed it wasn't far away. 

I grab some bread and pop it in the toaster. Ethan leans against the counter, watching me as he eats. 

"Cute outfit." He comments. 

I turn and smile at him, glad he thought so. I had been going for a you-lost-me-now-I'm-going-to-show-you-how-sexy-I-am look. According to the way Ethan was looking at me, I had achieved it. I was wearing a black and white striped crop top with a high waisted skirt that left a few inches of my stomach showing. I had on booties with heels and it made my already tall frame even taller. I had curled my hair and put on winged eyeliner and my lashes were as black as my soul. I had achieved what was going for. I was very proud of myself.

My toast pops out and I slather it in jelly and butter. I take a huge bite out of it and look over at Ethan. He's staring at me, but not in a creepy way. 

Ethan had been such a dork when we were younger, but he had definitely grown into his looks. If you compared his eighth grade and freshmen pictures you would not believe they were the same person. Eighth grade Ethan had braces and the shortest person you had every met. Ninth grade Ethan had newly straightened teeth, had sprouted up six inches, and had the prettiest face you could ever look at. He only got prettier from there.

Now, he always had girls hitting on him and trying to get with him, which he always politely turned down because of Alexi. It was different now. 

The thing was, Ethan had been a player before Alexi came along. He may not have had sex before her, but he had done plenty of other things. The girls never lasted more than a week. He used them and then threw them away. There was a period where he wouldn't talk to us, his friends and he ignored us when we pleaded with him to stop what he was doing. 

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