Chapter Four

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So I hate my friends. Someone I won't name (cough-Emma) is making me write this right after I posted the last chapter.

Anyways, thanks for reading! I posted this book two days ago and I already have forty reads eek I'm so excited thank you all so so so much!!

I caught Steph's eye, wondering if she was ready to leave or not. It was the third party Ethan had thrown in three weeks. The party that I supposedly was supposed to get a surprise had been canceled, and it turned out that the surprise was supposed to be Evan. He came back early and had come up with the scavenger hunt idea and Ethan had like that better. So this was the first Ethan party I had been to since.

Ethan's parents were away on the weekends a lot, either on vacation or business. So, on the weekends, he pretty much had the house to himself. He was the party master, throwing one almost every other weekend.

Steph saw my look and pointed at Noah. I turned and saw how drunk he was. Stephanie had to stay and take him home, he wasn't able to drive a long time ago. Noah almost never got drunk. He got buzzed, but he almost never gets drunk. I sigh and search for Brooke, but see her nowhere.

I then see Evan making his way through the crowd to find me, two cups in hand. I wave him over.

"Here. It's your favorite." He then catches the look on my face and asks me what's wrong.

"Can you drive me home? Since Steph drove me and she has to take care of Noah, I need a ride. You can drop me off then come back if you don't want to leave for good."

"No no, I'll drive you home and stay with you. Let me say goodbye to Ethan and we'll go." He responds, leaning to kiss me on the cheek. "Meet me outside in five minutes." He squeezes my hand and then runs off to find Ethan.

I wave to Steph and walk towards the door, worming my way through the crowds of people. I finally make it outside where I literally run into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you." I say, and look up to find a boy I don't know. I smile and try to step away and around, but he catches my wrist.

"Hey baby. Your cute. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He slurs, obviously drunk.

"No because I dug my way up from hell " I growl, and jerk my arm away. I try to quicken my pace, but someone grabs my bicep from behind. I turn to see two other boys I hadn't seen before.

"Sweetie..... you don't mess with me. I'm about to teach you what happens when you mess with me."

His friends tighten their grip on me as I struggle to get away. Mystery boy reaches his hand back and it comes across my face, hard. It stings and I try to fall, but the other boys are holding me up. His face come closer to mine and I turn away from his stanky breath. He grabs my chin and brings it towards him.

"Some say that gentlemen don't hit girls. I guess you could say I'm not a gentlemen." He rears back with anger in his eyes and places a swift blow to my stomach. I crumple and if it weren't for the boys holding me, I would be on the ground.

I see him go back again and I turn and brace for the hit that never comes. I feel the arms release me and I look up to see Ethan in dead lock with the two boys that were holding me, and see the other one on the ground. I then see Evan running and tackle one of the boys. Ethan easily brings the other one down. Evan gets up and runs to me. He gathers me in his arms, cradling my face.

"Babe, are okay did he hurt you?" He says running his hands over my shoulders and placing a hand on my stomach.

I cough and see blood spatter across his shirt.

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