Chapter 1

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My name's Emma Lee. Some people call me Emalee, but I think that it's annoying. I'm a Junior at Riverview High School. I'm 17 years old and my best friend is Meghan Lacy. I am the kind of person that would be considered a nerd here at Riverview. I live in Riverview, Florida. For me, nothing goes wrong anymore. Yep, you saw the key word didn't you? Anymore. Yeah, life wasn't always fun, relaxed, and easy here.

In ninth grade, Julie Sanders always found ways to torture me and make fun of me. Oh, and if you're from Riverview, Florida, you know why Julie hates me. Well, she hates Meghan too, and for the same reason. In ninth grade, I had a crush on Michael Havens. Yep, I had a crush, which is actually why I don't have one now. You see, in my experience, guys are just distractions and accidents waiting to happen.

Okay, Let's get back to the story. So, I had a crush on Michael Havens. Michael is the hottest/most popular guy in the school. Did I say is? I meant to say was. Anyways, Michael was the hottest/most popular guy in the school. So, one day, I was talking to Meghan about our homework assignment in Biology. I was about to eat my salad when I realized that I didn't have a fork.

I got up and walked over to where the "utensil dispenser" was and got my fork. As I was walking back to our lunch table, I tripped and fell over a puddle of water. I know right? As I lay there on the floor I thought to myself, 'Wow! Nice one, Emma! Now, you can be on the cover of the school newspaper with no effort! ' It had been like five seconds since I fell, and the whole student body was laughing and staring at me. That's when I heard a familiar voice from above me.

"Hey, Emma, are you okay?" said the voice. I looked up and realized who was talking to me. It was Michael. Yep, that Michael. The Michael.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said, as I felt my face turn red. He took my hands and helped me up very gently. I stood in the puddle, looking into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" he said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I-I'm fi-" I stuttered as I slipped and fell into him. Luckily, he caught me and I started blushing... a lot.

"Right," he said in a sarcastic tone, as he lifted me up," Well, if you need me, call me. You have my number right?"

"N-no." I stuttered nervously. He took out a pen and took my hand. He wrote his phone number on my hand and then looked at me with the sweetest smile.

"Well, now you do." he said backing away.

"Thanks." I said, nervously.

I started walking away and realized the whole cafeteria was quiet and staring at Michael and I. I walked back to my table quickly, and sat down. Meghan was staring at me, mouth wide open. Once everyone stopped staring, Meghan bombarded me with questions.

"Oh my gosh!" she stated excitedly, "I saw the whole thing. What just happened?"

"Nothing!" I answered a little too quickly. "It was nothing."

"It sure didn't look like nothing? What was tha- Oh! You like him!" she asked, louder than I would've liked.

"What? No!" I said, almost as a yell.

"Yes you do!" she said excitedly. She immediately got up before I could protest. She went over to Michael's table. 'Michaels table? Why would she go over- Oh no! Meghan! Oh my gosh! What? Why? Arg!' I finally knew why she was going over there. I was just about to make a run for the bathroom, when I saw Meghan and Michael walking towards me. I was frozen in my seat at this point.

"Hey." I said as they sat down.

"Hi." He said shyly.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Meghan stated enthusiastically.

"I'll come with you!" I said nervously.

"No, you're going to stay here and talk to Michael." she said, eyeing him.

"Okay," I said nervously, as I blushed, "Um, what exactly did Meghan tell you?"

"She said that you needed to tell me something really important." he said casually.

"Oh. Um, did she say anything e-else?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah. Actually she did." He said happily.

"Really? What did she say?" I wondered.

"Well, it was more of a question." he stated, expressionless.

"And that was?" I asked impatiently.

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