•4 Reuniting with Phil

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A/N Lizzie is not ldshaddowlady, that was just the first name to pop into my head. I might not use any youtubers but if I do I won't be hating on them.

•Your p.o.v•

I had no idea about her, oh my gosh she was nuts. She was not at all what I expected her to be. I was trying to sleep but her and her boyfriend ( I think boyfriend ) were listening to dub-step and were doing god knows what when I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP!

It's fine though I'm only living with her until I save enough and get a good enough job to live in my own flat.


Wait do I say that word to much"whatever"?

Never mind it's whatever.

I woke up this morning got into some gym clothes and left to the nearest gym I could find.

No I'm not a gym rat, I've just been in gymnastics since I was four and I have found that the gym makes me feel so good. It keeps my mind off things and I really love it.

Once I got home I planned to run in and take a shower because I was a sweaty mess.

Then I opened the door planning on running strait to the shower because Lizzie and I aren't close enough for her to see me like this yet, then I got caught. Lizzie stopped me and told me Dan from upstairs came over and asked if she would give my this piece of paper.

She handed it to me and it said "Hey (y/n) you should come over and hang out some time" then it had his phone number and he signed it - :Dan

Should I be excited about this? I hardly even know him. Whatever it's not like I'm gonna die if I go, unless I do, never mind.

I hopped into the shower, got out texted him saying something along the lines of "do you still want me to come over?" and "oh and it's (y/n)"

I noticed it said he saw it, like right after I sent it, then he did that thing where he would start to respond, then stop, then start, then stop, then start, then stop, and so on. Until he finally texts me back with a "k"
*face palm*

So I got out of the shower, blow dried my hair, got dressed in jeans, Sgt. Pepper Beatles shirt, black converes, and I grabbed a dark gray sweatshirt just in case. Then I straightened my hair and went over.

 Then I straightened my hair and went over

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•Dan's p.o.v.•

"Phil someone from down stairs is coming over."


"No, her new flat mate."

"Oh that poor thing"

"I know right, she seems really nice though."

So I cleaned the house up a bit, got on something that was a little bit nicer than what I was already wearing, then waited for (y/n) to head over.

Then Phil and I played Mario cart to pass the time.

•Your p.o.v•

I stopped before knocking on the door, then I mentally prepared myself and fixed my hair up a bit, then I knocked.

Dan wasn't the one to open the door though.

I couldn't believe my eyes, it was the person who meant the most to me before we had to say our painful goodbyes.

He had gotten so tall, I don't think I've grown much since school was over.

I don't even remember much, I remember balling and him balling too, I remember him grabbing me and picking me up but not on purpose. I remember smiling, bigger than I ever have before.
I remember the old times playing through my head, the glazing into each other's eyes, him telling me i meant the world to him and me responding with telling him how he was my everything. I remember him letting me go tears streaming down our faces and we were both just staring at each other in shock.

Dan walked in and was kinda confused to why we both had a shocked wet face.

"What did I miss, did someone die?"

"Dan this is that girl I would always tell you about how much I miss her"

"This is her!"

"Yes and I'm so happy" Phil said while starting to tear up again.

Trying to lighten the mood Dan said "can we stop crying now, I don't like it when people cry"

Phil and I burst out laughing, smiles from ear to ear. Dan still has a concerned face though.

Phil then invites me in and offers me a coffee because he knows how much I hate tea. I declined.

•Phil's p.o.v•

I can't believe she is here, I thought I lost her, I thought we would never see each other again.

Did she even know how much she meant to me, she was my everything, she made so happy.

She helped make me be unapologetically myself, she he is why I am who i am now.

•Dan's p.o.v.•

I still don't know what the heck is going on.

"So (y/n) what's you and Phil's past, I'm really confused to what is going on right now!"

(y/n) explained it all and I get it now, the weird thing is I'm not even jealous.

•Your p.o.v.•

Phil and I hit it off, it was almost like I never left. We were just talking and talking. Dan seems really nice and it seems like we have a ton in common, so does him and Phil, they're like platonic almost.
Dan and I like the same, well most of the same music and artist and we both definitely have the same taste in clothes. We all just acted like we've known each other since we were 12, which Phil and I have.

Time passes fast, I looked at my phone and it was already two, so Dan and Phil invited me to go for lunch with them.

We talked about there job as YouTubers, which is really awesome.
Then my job which is just at a shop until I find a place I like to work at.
They said they might be able to help me find a good job.

Once we got back to there flat and I watched Phil film a new video.
I really enjoyed it, I don't think I have been this happy since before collage.

Soon after that I went home and started looking for jobs, then I started scrolling through tumbler and Instagram and stuff like that.

I just then went to bed as fast as I could because I couldn't wait to see how tomorrow would go down.

A/N Sorry it's a day late, yesterday I was trying to write and do school work but also do a million other things at the same time. Then after school Dan was live on YouNow so yeah, it's up now.
Whatever -Elissa

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