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I had a few pre written so I'm gonna just upload two now because best Monday I would have just gotten back from NY.

Life has been back to normal for the past week. Eric still doesn't answer his phone, he only answered for the first two days of being gone. I'm gonna try not to be angry at him though. He's not as internet obsessed as me and doesn't really know how to work his phone. It's 2016 dude, USE YOUR BRAIN!

I went over to Phil's like normal, him and Dan were playing Mario cart and I was watching, there such goof-balls, I'm really glad there my friends. We were all wearing our pajamas and eating popcorn, Phil was drinking coffee. We ordered food for lunch, we normally don't even go outside, were indoors people. We normally stay at Phil's house and play video games or watch anime or just hand out. I love those guys a lot, even Dan.

Dan and I were sitting on the couch and Phil was on the floor in front of the the couch. I was on my phone while the other two were playing Mario cart, I'm pretty sure that's like there favorite game to play together. I wasn't doing much just scrolling through tumbler and Twitter and insta. Then I got a text from Eric, I got really exited. I opened it and it was a picture of something I really didn't need to see.

Excuse me but I really didn't want to see that.

Sorry mom that was supposed to go to Courtney (sorry if your name is Courtney you can change it to Julia)

I knew he had his contacts as different types of birds so I knew he just got three people mixed up.

This is (y/n) not Courtney, who is Courtney?

My doctor.

I don't think so, also you don't call your doctor by her first name.

uuuuummmmm, I'm really sorry, Courtney is my a girl I was cheating on you with.
(Eric is the type of guy to not be able to tell a lie.)

I just broke down, I was completely heart broken.

•Dan's p.o.v.•

I looked over at (y/n) at gosh she is beautiful, even in pajamas.

I saw her face getting really mad then all the sudden she was mad crying and she threw her phone at the wall across from us completely shattering it. She also said a few cuss words which she never does, I've never seen her mad, she's someone who couldn't hurt a fly.

I immediately grabbed her and comforted her, Phil jumped up and sat beside her so he could rub her back. Phil asked what happened and she struggled to say it but she said that Eric was cheating on her.

It's really sad though, she said they were dating for over two years.
She leaned her head on my chest and I played with her hair, she was starting to calm down.
Phil got up and grabbed her phone from across the room. He handed me the now cracked phone and (y/n) showed me the texts.
I honestly thought Eric was a cool, nice guy.

(y/n) fell asleep curled up in a ball with her head in my chest. We sat there and Phil got up and went to her flat and had Lizzie help him get (y/n) something to wear that wasn't pajamas. He brought back and outfit so when she woke up we could go to the park or get some coffee.

After a while I woke her up and told her to get dressed so that we could go out to do something. She nodded her head in agreement and gave me a really nice, tight hug, I hugged her back.

She got dressed in the clothes Phil got her and brushed out her hair then we left.
Phil took control and walked in front of us leading us to the little ice cream shop we live by.
Once we got our ice cream we walked to the park and sat on the swings.

•Your p.o.v.•

Dan and Phil helped me get back in my feet and so while we were at the park I told them what I was thinking.
"I can't believe him, I really loved him. NO, that's pathetic of me, I'm never saying that agin."

D"say what again"
"Love, I'm never saying that word agin."
P"we love you (y/n)"
"I really like you guys a lot too"
We started to walk home once we all finished our ice cream.

When we got home Eric kept on calling me, I didn't ever answer.
He called me one last time and even though Dan was telling me not answer I did, Dan told me to at least put it on speaker.

E:(Y/n) please, the only reason I was with her was because I missed you so much and yeah.
Y:That was a lousy reason. Try again.
D:uuuuummmmm she reminded me of you.
Y:You're an idiot.
E:I'm sorry, please forgive me, please take me back.
Y:Give it up dude, I'm sorry, I can forgive you but I can't take you back.
E:okay, im sorry.
E:I love you.

*phone call ends*

D: good job, I'm proud of you.
Y: for what.
D: for standing up for yourself and not taking him back like he didn't do anything wrong.
Y: i really really like you two, you're great friends.
P: group hug.
D: don't touch me.
P: ☹

Sorry, that was really cheesy.

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