Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Sarah’s POV:

It’s been a month since the boys kidnapped me. Niall has gotten a lot nicer to me always asking if I’m okay, always trying to get me to eat something. But also him and Louis have been acting weird whenever they were around me.

“So who else is bored?” Zayn asks.

“I am!” Harry yells.

“Same.” Louis and Niall say at the same time.

“Let’s play…” Louis begins.

“No!” Liam yells at him.

“But you don’t even know what I was going to say.” Louis complains.

“Yes I do.” He replies back.

“Okay what was I going to say?”

“Let’s play truth or dare.”

“Okay who’s in!” Louis yells.

“Wait no…”

“I’ll play.” All the boys say.

“Uggg!” Liam says.

“Come on Liam will you play with us?” Zayn asks.



“Yeah please, please, please, prewwweesss!!!” Niall begs. Liam looks at him.

“Fine.” He gives in. Niall looks over at me.

“Will you play with us Sarah?” he asks looking in my eyes. I quickly look away.

“I’m fine.” I whisper.

“Please Sarah, you can sit next to me.” He pouts. A small smile came across my face.

“Fine.” Niall jumps up and down like a little kid just given a new toy to play with.

We all sit in a circle. Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall, and me (sitting in that order).

“Alright, who goes first?” Louis asks.

“I will!” Harry yells. He looks around the room. I look away just to avoid eye contact. “Sarah.” Shoot! “Truth or Dare?” he asks.

“Dare.” I say quietly. Harry smiles.

Harry’s POV:

“Dare.” She says. I smile.

“I dare you to…” I crawl over to her and whisper the rest to her.

Niall’s POV:

We are all looking at Harry and Sarah, her eyes go wide. She shakes her head.

“You have to do it or I’ll dare you to do something worst.” He smirks.

“W-w-what could b-b-be w-w-worst th-th-than th-th-that?”

“Doing it to Lou.”

He smiles evilly. Her eyes get really wide. Haz crawls back to his spot and nods at Sarah. She looks around at the boys. Her eyes stop at mine for a split second longer then she looks at Harry. I turn my head to face Harry but the second I do, I’m on the ground and lips are attached to mine. I look who’s on top of me and I fight back a smile. She’s kissing me, she’s really kissing me! Seconds later she gets off of me and stares at the ground.

“Sorry.” She whispers.

“It’s okay love.” I smile.

“Okay Sarah, it’s your turn.” Lou says. Without a seconds thought she picks someone.

My kidnapper is my bully? A Louis Tomlinson storyWhere stories live. Discover now