Chapter 9 Part 1

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Holy crap! My Kidnapper is my bully already has over 1k reads!! Thank you all who read this story, it means a lot! :) Also this is dedicated to my friend Book_nerd77!!!! Narah forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 9

I get off the plane, so sore down in my area. The son of a cow found me again. He knows where I am. I thought if I moved he'd leave me alone. I was wrong. Somehow he found me. I know now that no matter where I am, he will find me. He always does.

"Sarah, you okay?" I blink and look up at Liam.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? This is the third time this week you've been out of it and it's only Tuesday." I nod.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's just that I'm tired that's all." I tell him. He nods.

"Hey guys." Lou says as he walks into my hotel room and into the kitchen area. Yeah that's right. We got connecting rooms.

"Hey." Liam says to him. I nod at Louis.

"Is everything okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask him while trying to not let any of my nerves show.

"Well since you got on the plane you have been jumpy." Lou says. Right now the boys are all just waking up from their first night of touring in the United States, and I had to go on a plane without any help from sleeping drugs.

"Yeah well what did you expect from someone who is terrified of flying?" I ask him. He just shrugs and walks to the bathroom. We've been in the U.S. for about three days now and all I've done was stayed at home and went with the boys to their concert last night. I need to get out of this room.

"Liam is there anything that I can get from the store before Niall wakes up?" I ask. Liam laughs.

"No not really." I sigh loudly. "But you can get more milk if you like." He says, I smile and grab the key to my room.

"Okay I'll be back in an hour!" I yell as I walk out the door.

Once at the store I head straight to the dairy section. Thankfully there is hardly anyone here; then again it is only 7:30 so there wouldn't be that many people here. I grab the milk and some yogurt and start to walk away. Just as I do I bump into someone knocking the milk and yogurt on the ground, and having the yogurt open as it hits.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I look up and my eyes go wide, I start to back away.

"Oh it's no problem I should have seen..." he looks up. His soft eyes turn hard and he smirks. "Oh hey there four eyes." He says. I continue to walk back. "Haven't seen you since what? London?" he says smiling at the memory. He walks towards me. I start to sprint down one of the aisles and head out of the store.

I don't stop running worried he'd catch me. After about two or three blocks from the store I start to slowly slow down. I look behind me to see that he didn't follow. I sigh and start to walk the rest of the three blocks to the hotel. Once I'm about a half a block away I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and begin running again. How the hell did he catch up so quickly? I see the hotel and begin to run faster. I run straight into the lobby and headed straight for the stairs, running up six flights of stairs. Once on my floor I run straight for my door with the key ready to put in. When I opened the door I see him coming out of the elevator. I scream and run into the room. I lock the door and run straight into the other room.

I run pass Niall who was in the kitchen. I run pass Liam, Louis and Harry who are in the living room watching TV. and I run pass Zayn who is just coming out of the bathroom. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. Breathing heavy I look into the mirror. How the hell did he find me? Out of everywhere in the world he has to be here. Here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Why the hell are we still here! We need to leave now! I open the door and race to my room and start packing all my things in my suitcase.

My kidnapper is my bully? A Louis Tomlinson storyWhere stories live. Discover now