16: Wellington

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*Nine days later

Clementine stood at the bottom of the hill. Looking at smoke hovering over the hill. Jake walked behind her, holding AJ.

"You want me to hold him?" Clementine asked. "Naw, he's still light." Jake said. He stopped and looked at his sister. "Come on, last one to the top is walker bait." He said and dashed up the hill. "Hey!" Clementine called out and began chasing after her brother.

"You cheated." Clementine said as she reached the top. "Holy shit..." Jake muttered. "We did it, Clem..." He said. Clementine looked at the community, not believing her own eyes. "That's... that's oughta be it." Jake remarked. "How do you know?" Clementine asked her brother. "A big ass wall out in the middle of nowhere? Come on dude. That's gotta be it." Jake said as he began walking to the wall. "We'll finally feel safe, Clem." Jake said.

Clementine smiled at her brother. "Finally sleep at night with no worry-" Suddenly, a rifle was shot at their feet. "That's far enough." A female voice ordered. Jake glared at the voice. "Drop your weapons." The woman ordered. Clementine and Jake reached into their pockets and grabbed their guns, and tossed them to the ground.

"Approach the gate." She said.

"Just a couple of people at the front gate. They don't look like trouble." She spoke into her radio. "Sounds good." Once she placed the radio away, she smiled at them.

"Hi, I'm Edith."

"Jake, and this is my sister, Clementine." Edith smiled at the girl. "Aw, what a handsome boy. Look at him." Edith said, smiling at the baby. "What's his name?" She asked. "Alvin... junior." Jake told her. "Aw, he's gonna be a little heart breaker when he grows up." She cooed.

Clementine grew curious and asked about Christa. "Is there someone named Christa in there?" Edith frowned and shook her head. "I don't think so dear." Clementine frowned at the ground.

"This is Wellington, correct?" Jake asked. "A lot of people call it that. I assume you want to get in?" She asked. Jake nodded. "Well... I'm afraid this is the part I give you the bad news." She grabbed a duffle bag and dropped it on the ground.

"What the shit?" Jake questioned. "That's some supplies. Food, water, some medicine, a first aid kit-" Jake interrupted her by saying, "Why ya givin' us this?" Edith frowned at them and said, "Unfortunately, our community isn't accepting new members. We're over capacity as it is, and there's just not enough to go around if we keep bringing people in. Things might change in a few-"

"Y'er FUCKIN' kiddin' me." Jake snapped.

Edith frowned at them. "I'm sorry. I really am." Clementine shook her head. "But... we have a baby." She said. "This... this is hard for me too... I don't turn anyone away, especially children, but-"

"Just take them!" Jake interrupted. "What?" Clementine asked her brother. "Please! Just take them. They can't stay out here no more." He said. "Jake, I-" Clementine tried to reason with her brother, but was interrupted.

"It's jus' my sister and a child. That ain't much." Edith frowned at him. "Take back the supplies ya gave us. They need to be safe... and it's safe in there. They ain't gon' make it out here man..." Edith thought for a second, but decided to go ask someone. "I'll... I'll ask. Just gimme a second." She said and walked away.

Jake sighed and placed his hand against his face. "What the hell are you doing?" Clementine asked. "Jus' look at these walls." Jake said to her. "It's safe here... y'all gon' be safe. That's all that matters now." Jake told her.

Edith came back with some news. "We can take the children, but... just the children. I made the case that-" "Thank you!" Jake interrupted. "Thank you."

Jake turned around to his sister and placed AJ in her arms. "This is y'er chance. F'er you and this dude." He said. "I can't trust myself to keep ya safe... not anymore." Jake said. "Stay here where it's safe. Where y'all gon' have a better chance." He said. Clementine began to cry. "No. No. No." She cried. "Why are you doing this?" She whimpered. "Cause it's the only way... for both of ya. Think about AJ. Please Clem, just... do as I tell ya... one last time." He said as tears began to leak out of his one eye.

"No! We're leaving! All of us. Together." Clementine ordered. "Clem... dammit! It's safe here. Ya understand? It's safe he-" "Stop! Stop, okay? We're not staying, so just stop. That's that." Clementine said, her eyes turning red from her tears. Edith wiped away a few of her own tears.

"Sounds like... she means business." Jake looked at Edith. "Yeah... yeah it does." Jake said and raised an eyebrow at his sister. "Come on. We're leaving." She said to her brother. Edith dropped another duffle bag onto the ground.

"I'm only supposed to give out one per group, but... look, if you're in the area, check back in a few months. We might be accepting people then." Jake nodded at her. "Thank ya... and... sorry for the language." Jake said. "Well, it's a shitty situation." Edith said. "We're all doin' the best we can. Y'all stay safe out there." Edith said. Jake nodded at her. Edith walked back inside, wiping her tears away.

Once they had the duffle bags in their hands, they looked at each other. "You're as stubborn as a goddamn mule." Jake said to his sister. Clementine smiled at him. "Yeah? Wonder where I got that from?" She said. Jake smiled at her.

The two began walking away from Wellington.

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