chapter3- Sensational

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I dont own pokemon

A few months had passed since the playboy incident – Ash and Brock had reached an unspoken agreement not to mention it to each other.

Now Ash and Dawn simply allowed Brock to read his 'Breeder' magazines in peace, without pestering him.

Ash, however, still had the glossy photo of Misty with him; he kept it in his pocket, and it was quite battered from all the folding and unfolding.

Sometimes at night, when he was sure that Brock, Dawn and Pikachu were asleep, he'd take it out, and stare at it.

Every time, it gave him that same fluttery feeling in his stomach - and sometimes it gave him the other, stronger feeling of warmth too.

Ash thought about Misty a lot – not just in a lascivious way, but even otherwise. He missed her – the photograph, though it instigated rather exciting emotions within him – was also a kind of memento of her…

He thought about their fights, the bike, the spark in her eyes when angered, and her shrill voice berating him, screaming at him for some act of idiocy he had committed…her fear of bugs, and how she would clutch him in terror whenever they saw a Caterpie... her eyes, shimmering with unshed tears after he had been 'resurrected' in Lavender Town…

These kind of thoughts, however, had always occupied Ash every now and then, even before seeing the picture.

However, after seeing the picture, Ash's thoughts had changed slightly.

Misty still screamed at Ash in his new fantasies – but they were not screams of anger, but rather, of pleasure.

She still clutched onto him, but not in fear, but desire – pressing her bare skin against his.

Her eyes still shimmered with tears, as she pleaded with him. But this time, she didn't plead with him to wake up, to not die, like she had over seven years ago. This time, her pleas were different, and they were whispered against his lips.

"I want you, Ash. I want you. Please! Right now. Please, Ash!"

He could hear her voice, so clearly in his mind. It sent shivers down his spine.

Waking up to a wet sleeping bag was quite common to Ash now.

"What's all the crowd here for?!" Ash grumbled. "I'll never get to battle the gym leader at this rate!"

The group was standing outside Pastoria's water-type gym, behind an enormous crowd of people, most of whom had cameras, little scraps of papers, and pens held in their hands like swords.

"I think something is happening at the gym!" said Dawn, standing on her tiptoes, struggling to see past the hustling crowd.

"What?" Ash groaned. "But I wanted a badge!"

Dawn ignored him and continued. "From what it sounds like, some celebrities have come here – oh, yes, how could I forget?! Paul mentioned that some Kanto hotshots were coming to Pastoria to give some kind of a show, and it was in my coordinator magazine too. Some actress model group or something, who are also really good at pokémon battling. They're really popular in Kanto, and even made a name in Johto and Hoenn! They're on some kind of a tour, the magazine said, and apparently, judging from the crowds, they're quite popular here too! I forgot what they're called though… "

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