chapter4- Meeting

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"Daisy," Misty muttered through gritted teeth, struggling to keep the beaming smile on her face.

"How much longer is all this rubbish going to take?"

Daisy shot Misty a disapproving look, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"Like, Misty – we told you that, like, being an actress model is hard work. You have to like, please the fans! And anyways, signing autographs and looking beautiful, is like, so much fun!" she whispered under her breath, obliging an infatuated young man by scrawling her name across his toned chest.

Misty looked slightly sick, and refused to do the same when the man then came to her, puffing his chest out (which had already been autographed by the other three).

"I only sign paper." Misty said tightly, and the man shrugged and sauntered off.

"Like, Misty!" Lily said reproachfully, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "You shouldn't have done that! And don't even like, think of tying up your hair! It looks gorgeous when it's down."

"I could be doing something useful right now." Misty shot back, and then added in a supercilious tone, "Like training my pokémon or something!"

"Misty, you train like, all the time! That's all you do – train and look after the gym!" Violet exclaimed.

"Because you're to busy to do it!" Misty retorted angrily.

She was getting impatient. All this glamour stuff was grating her nerves, especially when she was quite sure Azurill was on the verge of learning bubblebeam, and Gyarados craved a battle.

"Misty," said Daisy, adopting a rather patronizing tone. "When you were little, you like, always wanted to be like us. And now you are – you're like, so pretty and you have so many fans… what more could you like, want?"

"Yeah, Misty. Nothing tops being Sensational, not even being a water pokémon master or whatever." Lily added chirpily.

Misty sighed, biting back a wrathful response to this ridiculous statement.

"Yeah, okay. Whatver. But this is the first, and the last world tour I accompany you three on," she conceded.

"But Misty-" Violet began, but then shut up, as a rather dashing young blonde youth approached her for an autograph.

Misty sighed, as she proceeded to sign another slip of paper. The fans kept arriving inexorably, like waves from the sea; the attention was flattering at first.

When her sisters had informed her that she could be a part of their group, a sudden excitement which had been suppressed for over ten years bubbled within her – when she was little, she always wanted to be beautiful like them!

Misty had been thrilled, and enjoyed the first three days of the two-month long tour around Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. But after that, she was getting sick of it. Sick of all the pretence, the vanity, the pointless hedonism, the opulent luxury.

Though it surprised her, Misty would now choose even the rocky ground of a bug-filled forest as a bed – over the excessively plush waterbeds in 5-star hotels and cruise ships her sisters preferred.

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