chapter7- a new challenge

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Brock was getting bored – the disadvantage of staying in a hotel was that there was no Nurse Joy to hit on.

And the Sensational Sisters were busy – and Dawn was far too young to catch his interest.

And, for the first time in his life, he just didn't have the heart to hit on random, but sexy strangers, most of whom didn't have the patience, or kindness of his darling Joy.

So, Brock decided to drown his sorrows in Playboy, and trudged towards the room where he had left Ash about fifteen minutes ago.

He hadn't given the spare key to Misty, and so Brock rapped on the door impatiently, eager to get his hands on his precious Playboy.

The door was answered by a rather red-faced, extremely disgruntled Ash.

"What do you want?" Ash snarled, making it all too obvious he didn't appreciate his friend's presence.

"I believe this is my room too, Ash, let me in." Brock replied, shoving Ash aside as he entered the room.

His non-existent eyes nearly popped of their non-existent sockets, as he saw Misty, leaning against the wall, her hair slightly disheveled, blushing furiously.

Brock's eyes darted from one guilty-looking teenager to the other.

"Did you guys-" he began questioningly.

"NO!" Ash and Misty both cut him off, shouting.

"We didn't do anything…" Ash said, feeling rather envenomed that Brock had spoilt such an intense, perfect moment.

Brock noticed his bitter tone, and shot his friends an apologetic look.

"Bad timing on my part, then?" he asked meekly, quailing under the glare Misty was shooting him.

"Can you go?" she asked, her voice dangerously polite.

"Yeah, I'm going!" Brock said. "I just need my magazine and – oh no! Just you stop right there, Misty!"

"Brock, don't -" Ash begged, but Misty was getting irritated.

"What, Brock?" she demanded, hands on her hips.

"Playboy, Misty. Playboy." Brock said. "Does it ring a bell?"

Misty looked at him if he was crazy.

"No!" she replied, in a tone which clearly stated she found his question ridiculous.

"Are you sure, Misty – because I believe I know about a certain connection between you and that particular magazine…" Brock said accusingly.

"You're insane! Playboy? Me? Seriously, Brock, what's up with you?" Misty asked bewildered.

"You don't know what I'm talking about then?" Brock continued.

"NO! Ash, what's up with him?" Misty cried exasperatedly. "Brock, could you please just go and leave us alone?"

Ash jumped up, nodding his head vigorously.

"Yeah, Brock, you should really go." he agreed.

"Azumarill? Playboy? Doesn't sound familiar, Misty?" Brock persisted.

"Ash," Misty said, looking rather terrified now. "They don't have pokémon in Playboy do they?"

"Of course not!" Ash assured her. "I mean I don't think so, I wouldn't really know…"

"Then why is he talking about Azumarill?! And what do I have to do with that disgusting magazine?!"

"You won't admit it?" Brock asked. "Fine, I'll prove it to you!"

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