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Later that day, Ash and Misty were in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for Brock to return with their pokéballs, which he had taken to the pokémon center.

Of course, nobody needed their pokémon healed – it was just an excuse for the Joy-starved boy to make a convenient trip there.

Misty had changed – into her short denim shorts, and a yellow mid-riff tank top.

Ash glared at her, as she sat down next to him, crossing her legs.

"You know, that doesn't help much." he grumbled.


"You still look sexy as hell."

Misty blushed, slipping her hand through his, and leaned forward to kiss him.

He let her, but when she moved to deepen it, he pulled away.

"What?" Misty asked, confused.

Ash looked at her apologetically. "I just – I won't be able to control myself if you kiss me like that… it's hard enough already."

"Oh." Misty said, feeling extremely disappointed. "You mean I can't – kiss you anymore?"

Ash shrugged. "You really want to?"

"Of course I do! I want to do everything – except that…"

Ash raised his eyebrows, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"You seriously want to do everything except have sex."

"Well, of course!" an unknowing Misty repeated.

"I guess that's okay with me…" Ash murmured, tilting his head so that he could kiss her again.

"You're the sweetest person in the whole world, Ash Ketchum!" Misty proclaimed when they broke away from each other. "And I don't think I'll ever be able to yell at you again."

Ash grinned, rather evilly.

You think so, Misty?

"ASH! You are the most annoying, dense little midget in the whole world!"

"Midget! Look whose talking, you scrawny little runt!"

"Ooh, you're paying for that! Wait till I find my mallet you useless bike-wrecker!"

"Pikachu wrecked it, not me!"

"That's completely off topic – and I'm not a runt!"

"Well, I'm not a midget!"

"I know that!"

"Well – so do I!"

"What were we arguing about again?!"

"I don't remember!"

"Big surprise, your brain is the size of a Weedle! Wait - now I do remember!"


"You got us lost in this horrible, scary bug-filled forest, because you were holding the map upside-down, seriously how stupid do you have to be!"

"I was distracted!"

"By what, a Pidgey?! Or another Caterpie?!"

"No, by you!"

Misty fell silent at this, and Ash smirked.

"You look really hot when you're angry, Mist."

"Pika pika!" Pikachu scolded exasperatedly.

"He's right! You guys better stop flirting so we can get back to the hotel – continue this later!" Brock said.

A few days had passed, and the trio was lost – in the woods – again.

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