chapter6- pidgeotto and beedrill

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Disclaimer - I don't own pokémon


That afternoon, it was decided that the group would stay at a 5-star hotel. Daisy, Violet and Lily were quite revolted at the idea of staying in a pokémon center, and thus booked a large suite instead.

Thus, a few hours later, Ash was lying on his black, atop the silky sheets of a circular waterbed, daydreaming blissfully.

Pikachu was beside him in a similar situation, also dreaming blissfully about ketchup, battling and some of their old adventures.

Ash's dreams however, included Misty and the circular waterbed he was currently on, and the endless, delicious possibilities that arose when the two were combined.

Along with some chocolate too... from that day on, Ash adored chocolate; or rather, he adored the feeling of Misty's mouth on his finger, licking it up... that had felt so amazing... if only she'd gone lower instead, and- NO!

Ash jolted upright, suddenly sweating. He did not just think that. He had never thought such things before. It was frightening.

But still, it was such a thrilling, electrifying idea... and Ash decided there was no harm in merely thinking about it, so he elapsed back into his increasingly lustful daydreams.

"Ash." came Brock's voice, interrupted Ash's fantasy.

"I'm busy. Go away."

Brock raised his eyebrows, unaware of the fact, that in his lewd little Misty-centric fantasy, Ash was extremely busy.

"We need to talk Ash. Now."

Ash flipped over onto his stomach, mainly to hide the growing bulge in his pants, which was starting to ache... he wondered why, though.

"What?" he asked, scowling at Brock.

"I have noticed, Ash," Brock began, looking incredibly uncomfortable. "That things - things between you and Misty have changed."

Ash raised his eyebrows.

"I think we both know what I mean, right Ash?"

Ash said nothing.

"As your friend, and a more responsible and elder male, I feel it is my responsibility to - to guide you on certain pressing issues..."

"Brock, what in the name of Arceus are you talking about?" Ash asked, disgruntled. He really wanted to get back to that fantasy... Misty was waiting for him!

"Ash," said Brock, in a tone of stony seriousness. "I am thrilled, so thrilled that you and Misty have finally discovered your feelings."

"Wh-what?!" Ash spluttered, reddening instantaneously.

"Now, Ash, no point denying it any longer." Brock scolded motherly, ignoring Ash's glare.

"Pika pikachu. Pika pika chu pikapi ka pikchupi chu." Pikachu muttered, joining the conversation.

"Whaddya mean I've crushed on her since I was eleven?! That's crap!" Ash shouted at his pokémon.

"Ash." said Brock, his face stern. "Considering the current circumstances and your hormonal frame of mind, I believe the time has come, for you and I to have - The Talk." he finished dramatically.

"We are talking, Brock."

Brock face faulted at this.

"Aaargh! The Talk, Ash, The Talk! You know - hormones, reproduction, protection!"

Ash stared at him, an expression similar to a Psyduck plastered across his face.

"You don't know what The Talk is?" Brock asked incredulously, but then decided not to wait for Ash's response.

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