chapter5- Chocolate

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I dont own pokemon or playboy   
Apparently, Ash's newly acquired flirting skills were exercised only on her.

He certainly didn't bother with her sisters, or the blue-haired girl Dawn, all four of whom were quite attractive.

This revelation made Misty feel weirdly happy, as the group sat at a nearby café for lunch.

The Sensational Sisters had decided to join Ash, Brock and Dawn for awhile; mainly for Misty's sake so she could catch up with some old friends.

Of course the real reason, was that Daisy, Violet and Lily had all sensed the blatant and electrifying chemistry between Misty and her not so little 'boyfriend' Ash, and were fully ready to spend a few days with the group so their seemingly chaste little sister could finally, get a life, and get a man.

Other than Ash and Misty, who were euphoric at the prospect of spending more time with each other, this proposal had thrilled Brock, who was now wedged between Lily and Violet, munching a hamburger with an ill-concealed expression of dreamy lust splashed across his face.

Ash and Misty, were of course sitting next to each other – perhaps closer than usual. Their shoulders were touching, their legs brushed every now and then – but instead of springing away in embarrassment like they would have years ago, Ash and Misty, though both acutely aware of this physical contact, did nothing to lessen it or move away.

"So, it was like just me at first – Sensational Daisy. It was, like totally awesome." Daisy was saying in her ditzy voice, nibbling on a miniscule piece of whole-grain bread, as she recounted the forming of the Sensational Sisters to the group.

"But then two years later, I was like, getting kind of bored – and anyways, no one really cared enough to watch me. So I decided to like, let Violet in too." Daisy continued. "And that's when we started, like, going public. We'd just to water ballets then, but like, after awhile those got like, kind of – what's the word – like, redundant."

"So then, we like, decided to let Lily in too." Violet said. "She'd been like, whining about it for ages. And that's when we really started to pull the crowds. It was like, totally fabulous. We'd like, go on tours and cruises and everything!"

"Yeah. It was like, the three of us for about, like seven years." Lily began. "But then like, last year, we realized that like, Misty was totally ready to become one of us. We felt like, really guilty about leaving her out, but at that time her image would have totally ruined our reputation!" Lily looked apologetically at Misty who just rolled her eyes.

"So then they made me one of them, dragged me away from my precious pokémon and on this tour, which is my first, and I warn you, my last." Misty concluded dully.

"But Misty!" Daisy protested. "Our fan following has like, doubled since you joined in!"

Ash raised his eyebrows at this, looking away from his triple cheeseburger to Misty.

"Really? So you have fan boys? Ever dated any?" he asked, sneering.

Misty gave him a death glare and he immediately shut up.

"Jealous, Ash?" she hissed, though her anger immediately evaporated at his response.

"I might be." he said nonchalantly, shrugging, and Misty's heart gave a leap.

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