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"I can't believe you just did that." she giggles as they stepped into their condo unit.

James had his arm around her waist when they sat on the couch. He knew she would be surprised. I mean, who wouldn't? Your secret boyfriend just said that he loves you to the whole world. No big deal right?

"What? What did I do?"

He says innocently with a grin he can't hide.

"You know what you did, you fool."

James just chuckled in response.

A comfortable silence enveloped them.
Nadine leaned on to his shoulder and sighed a contented sigh.

"What are you thinking about?"James asked, patting her head.

"Nothing, I'm just... happy, you know?" she smiled.

"It just feels so good to not keep secrets from everyone else. I feel like I'm free." sighing as she played with his fingers.

"That's what you should feel everyday and now you will." he smiled.

"I can finally hold your hand in public, YES!"
she screamed, remembering the time when a photo of them holding each other's hand in a plane went viral, she panicked and told the media (according to James) the most lame excuse ever. She knew the fans won't let it pass that easy. I mean, they're geniuses and can pass to be in the SOCO team.

In James' case, let's just say he teased her by calling her "Ms. Turbulence" for a couple of days.

James chuckled at her adorableness.

"I can sit closer to you and put my arm around you." he added.

"We can say 'I love you' out loud." she chuckled while trying to remember the last time they were in their dressing room and James was watching a video on his phone and Nadine found it so amusing with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes so focused so she said what she wanted to say at that moment so she moved closer to his ear and said "I love you." He smiled, the wide smile. The smile he's got when he's kilig. He as well leaned closer to her ear, his upper lip slightly brushing her earlobe and replied "I love you more, Love." just loud enough for the both of them to hear.

"And I can kiss you anytime, anywhere." he added, while leaning closer to her ear.

"What?" she moved away, stopping her daydream. "What do you mean 'anytime, anywhere'? We can't do that. That's PDA, Love."

"Who cares?"

"I do. I'm not comfortable with it."

"Said the one who made out with me in a dressing room in showtime." he smirked.

"James!" slapping his chest while she blushed furiously, clearly remembering those moments.

"Man, we almost got caught by Vice!" he laughed out loud.

She laughed with him while she did a facepalm.

"Still, that doesn't count! It was inside a room! Besides, you looked really hot in your hoodie, not that you don't look hot without a hoodie, you just look hot in everything you wear it's unfair! I just couldn't help myself, okay? And that doesn't count!" she babbled continuously without breathing.

James was one of the few people who knew that whenever Nadine's frustrated, she tends to talk really fast without thinking and he finds it amusing and at the same time endearing.

So now he's got a wide smile spread on his face while he just looks at her bewildered at the sudden confession.

After a few seconds, a wide-eyed Nadine faced him and then he starts laughing uncontrollably.

When he calmed down, he decided to tease her.

"So..." he turns. "You think I'm hot?" raising his eyebrows up and down playfully.

She covers her face with a throw pillow and bites her lip while smiling.

"Ewan ko sayo!" she laughed.

She throws the pillow to his face then he tickles her, she squeals in surprise and soon enough they were a laughing mess.

A few minutes later, they were both quiet. Lost in their own thoughts.

"I think I'll never regret it, though." he says, cutting her thoughts.

"Regret what?" she faces him.

"Telling the whole world that I love you."

She smiles at that. She doesn't reply and waits for him to fill in the silence.

"You know what? I've never been so sure in my whole life. This is the first time and I'm so glad it's you I'm with." he smiles.

"Whatever happens, even if we don't work out or maybe if time changes us and we fall out of love with each other or fall in love with someone else," he paused. "though it's going to be hard to find someone as handsome as me, Naddie. So don't even try to look for some other guy." he jokes.

She rolls her eyes and chuckles. He can be so cocky sometimes.

"You're ruining it! Continue please."

"I'm just saying that whatever happens, if we don't work out and decide to follow our own paths," he pauses again. "I'll never regret that I stood in front of our loved ones, our fans, those over 10,000 people and told them how much I love you. 'Cause its the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. You are the most amazing thing that ever happened to me."

He said it with so much sincerity, she could almost cry. He makes her so happy and damn, he loves her so much.

She stays quiet, a smile creeping up her face.

James stares. Directly into her eyes and she said something that brought back so much memories they both won't forget.

They were suddenly back...

Back to that restaurant where they were inside a wine cellar.

Back to the 11th of February, almost midnight which she thought was just going to be a normal day at work until he picks her up.

Back to that moment he accidentally said something he shouldn't have.

Back to that moment when he first said "I love you."

And her response which he thinks will always be remembered,


"Kilig ako."

• • •

Paubos na drafts kooo, someone give me fic prompts. (please, im desperate)

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