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Prompt: Nadine wants to know what kind of drunk person she is but she's scared to go alone so she invites James.


It was a saturday afternoon and James is just chilling in his apartment watching a marathon of Lord of The Rings (Unusual, yes.) when he hears a knock on the door.

Groaning, he stands up and opens the door to find her neighbor, Nadine, in shorts and a white tank top which he thinks is very simple yet very hot.

"Hey James." she smiles. Damn, she's cute.

"Hey, so uh what's up?" You see, they're neighbors but they're not really close neighbors. They exchange a few hi's and hello's when in the hallways or elevators but that's it. He's usually out with friends on weekends and she always stays at home watching netflix or reading a book.

Oh wait. Two weeks ago though, she got locked out of her apartment and it was around 10 pm when she knocked on his door asking if it was okay to stay there for a few minutes while she was waiting for her bestfriend to come back with her purse.

He thought she was cute and so he said it was fine and yeah, they talked. He found out she was working at a company near their building so it was no hassle. "I'm a photographer." he says when she asked what his job was. She was about to ask him how much he gets paid when her phone beeped, a text from Kiana letting her know she was outside the hallway with her purse.

When he was closing the door, he thought to himself. "Shit." He may have developed a teeny tiny crush on her.

So yeah, it was a little weird to find her here when they only had one encounter.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"Great." he smiles back.

She looks down and plays with her fingers. "So listen, I was bored today and then I had a random thought. You know how there are different types of drunk person? Like there's one who's violent, one who booty calls, one who giggles nonstop, one who passes out after puking, something like that."

"And?" he asks, trying to fight a smile.

"Well I wanted to know which one I was. And uh, if you're not that busy, I was wondering if you could come with me?" she looks up at him.

"Why exactly?"

"'Cuz I called my bestfriend awhile ago and she said it was a great idea but she can't come with me right now since she's drinking coffee with a guy she met at the gym. And, I'm too scared to drink alone." she says shyly.

"How about your other friends? Plus, won't your boyfriend be mad if he finds out a guy's going with you to get drunk?"

"One, I already tried calling my other friends but they're either out of town or busy. And two, my boyfriend won't get mad because he doesn't exist."

"Oh." He was surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend but he tried to hide it. God, how can someone be so pretty and stay single?

"Sooo, will you come?" Nadine put her cutest puppy face. "Pretty please? You won't have to pay, drinks are on me."

How can he say no to her face? He doesn't show her he wants to, instead he sighs and says, "Well, if the drinks are going to be free...?"

"Yes, yes! They're on me!" her eyes go wide.

"Fine then, I'll go."

It's 9 pm and they're in his car on their way to Dr. Jazz, a club near their building.

"Thank you for coming with me, James." she says with a smile.

He nods.

But what he really wanted to say is The second you asked if I could come? I already said yes.

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