Maybe, Just Maybe

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Maybe it was him.

Maybe it was his smile.

Maybe it was those honey eyes.

Maybe it was those red lips.

Maybe it was his face. Just his whole face.

He's just too fucking good-looking. If there was an award for the most handsome of the most handsomest men in the world, I'm certain it would be him.

I mean, all women are dying just to be in her place right now. Like, literally. Everyone thinks she's so lucky but really, it's the other way around.

I don't think there was a day where no one wished to be her just for a day. Just for 24 hours. Just to feel how it is to be loved back by someone you've loved the most in a long time.

She didn't know that loving a person and have him love you back felt so good.

It took her by surprise. The first time he asked her out, she thought she was going to vomit those butterflies in her stomach but of course she didn't 'coz that would gross him out.

She was washing the dishes when she suddenly asked herself, "Was this okay? That we're dating?"

The other Nadine answered, "Are you kidding? Hell, yes!"

"Uh. No. I think I'm having second thoughts about this. What will the people think?"

"What? Those people don't matter. For once, put yourself first, Nadine! When you're sure about your feelings for him, you'll figure it all out. Remember, just be yourself and go with the flow."

After that heart to heart talk with herself, she felt a little better.


One date turned into two, two turned to three and then three turned into five more dates.

Without her knowing, she was already falling inlove with the guy with brown orbs.

All those hidden smiles & stares weren't missed especially by the fans.

They have hawk eyes, they see everything.

During one presscon for OTWOL back in 2016 for it's finale and the promotion for they're JaDine In Love Concert, one of the press people asked, "So I know this question isn't new to the both of you but everyone really wants to know. What is the real status between JaDine? Is it real?" followed by some yells and laughs from the people in the room.

With everyone waiting for an answer, James and Nadine looked at each other raising they're eyebrows, smiling. James finally spoke "We're..." a five second pause and looked at Nadine one last time and read what her eyes saying.

"Friends. We're just friends." And with a smile he nodded to the press people.

Of course, the press people didn't miss the hesitation in his voice and the almost reveal.

In James' mind, he was silently saying "Not yet."


The JaDine In Love Concert was a success from start to finish but finished, not quite yet.

You see, there's something James prepared for and it's bothering him more than his other performances.

Guess what? He's going to profess his love to Nadine infront of 10,000 people right here. Right now.

So with him giving the stage people directions without giving any reason why (of course) because only he knows what's about to happen, they went on with the show. He didn't tell anyone. Not his bestfriend, not even his family.

Why? He wanted it to be special. He didn't want it to come out at some tabloid or a random interview. That's how much he loves Nadine. Just like what he said, she's worth all the bullshit.

The last few songs are for their finale. They sang No Erase, Bahala Na & Hanap-Hanap.

After that, James lead Nadine to the top of the stage, just staring at each other and smiling. At the back of Nadine's mind, she was confused but still remained calm and waited for what was going to happen next.

James brought the microphone to his mouth and slowly spoke, "Nadine..."

The fans were screaming their lungs out and waited with anticipation but to James, they were the only ones there.

With the fans still screaming, louder this time, they both laughed.

James continued "I..."

A five second pause. Dang, he was nervous.

He heard Nadine saying "Stooop." amidst the loud yells and screams with a wide grin across her face.

Swallowing a breath, he put his microphone closer and said,

"...Love you."

Then came roaring screams from the fans who had witnessed how James Reid professed his love, to his only love Nadine Lustre.

The next few days, it was all a blur for them. Interviews left and right. Newspaper headlines. TV guestings here and there.

Despite all the rumors, all the drama, they were still there for each other.

James thought that "Wow. It feels so good. I feel so good to not have any secrets anymore. We're free. And happy."

Nadine didn't have battles with herself anymore. She was sure of herself now. She was sure with James and how she loves him all with her heart.

In one interview, she said "James, I love you. And now I know how much you love me too. You never really failed to prove it each and everyday."

"Nadine, I love you. I'll always say I love you... because it's true."

Because maybe, just maybe, each other was all they needed.

He's James Reid after all. The most handsome of the most handsomest men in the whole world.

• • •

Finally, an update. Idk where these came from but ugh. Sorry if it doesn't make sense lol. More updates coming soon, stay tuned! 💋
P.S. Made this one last night, didn't have time to check for errors. Forgive meh. Still, hope ya'll enjoy this one.

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