Thanks Love

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"Yeah. Just call me when you've already talked to him, okay? I really need his confirmation asap."

She ended the call and went back to frosting the cake.

Nadine was just about to squeeze the pipe bag when her phone buzzed again.

She looked at the caller I.D. and immediately, she panicked.

Oh my. What am I going to say? Think, Nadine think.

Once her words were in order and she thought of an excuse, (a lame excuse really) she tapped the green button and put it on loudspeaker.

"Oh hi, love! What's up?" she spoke as casual as she could trying not the nervousness take over.

"Hey. Where are you? I haven't seen you in the last 5 hours. It's a saturday, love. We should be at home right now. Besides, I miss you already."

Nadine smiled at his sweetness. She's imagining him doing a puppy face and it makes her smile even wider.

"Aww. I miss you too, Love. But I- uhh.."

She stammers and thinks of an excuse. Of course, if she tells him she's at her mom's house doing his birthday cake, then the surprise won't be a surprise anymore.

"Well I'm--I'm at Yassi's. Yeah! Yassi's apartment."

Real smooth, Nadine.

"Well, can I come over? I thought you just hang out with her a few days ago? I'm starting to get jealous of Yassi."

"Right. But I figured that Yassi and I should spend more time together because we've been very busy with work and duh, I miss her."

"What about me? Don't you miss me?"

"I was with you kanina lang. Miss agad?" She giggled.

"Ouch. You're so cruel. Wait 'til I get my hands on you."

"Am I supposed to be scared or?"

"Oh, you should be."

James said in a husky voice.

Nadine felt herself going red.

"Well, love. I'm hanging up now. Yassi's here. I'll see you later, I promise. I'll make it up to you. I love you!"

"Fine." She heard him sigh in defeat."I miss you, I love you."

This surprise better be good.


"Now put those there, hurry up! He might be here any second."

Nadine shouted giving instructions left and right.

"Girl, help me in here!" Lauren called from the kitchen.

Nadine raced to the kitchen and helped Lauren carrying the big cake she made herself outside.

"This looks awesome." Yassi sighed with her hands on her waist.

"Great job, Nadine! He'll love it." Lauren squealed.

"I hope so." She looked at her set up hopefully and silently hoped he'd love and appreciate her effort.

"Call him noooow!" She shouted at Bret who was busy playing games on his phone.

"Alright, alright." Bret rolled his eyes.


"Happy Birthday, James!"

Everyone shouted in chorus the second he stepped inside.

James was greeted with smiles and greetings as he walked in the room.

"Happy 24th Birthday, Love." her sweet Naddie came to him with her arms wide open.

"Thank you, Love. And you did all this?" he smiled, still surprised.

"Yeah, you like it?" she asked with hopeful eyes.

"Is that still supposed to be asked? Of course, I love it!"

Nadine smiled widely in response as he gave her a sweet peck on the lips.

James walked over to the table with the big cake.

"Did you bake this, Naddie?"

"Uh-huh. I'm not expecting it to taste good though. It's my first time baking."

"However it tastes like, I'll still love it 'cause you were the one who made it." He smiled sweetly.

With Nadine trying to hide her kilig, their squad walked over to the table and Bret started singing loudly.

Everyone held their phones up and took photos and videos and ate dinner after.

It was past midnight when all their friends left, leaving James and Nadine all the mess.

"Bye!" Nadine waved to her mom outside.

They both went inside and stumbled on the couch completely exhausted but happy.

"That was fun." James said wrapping her arms around Nadine. "Thank you for this, Naddie."

"Anything for you, Love. As long as it makes you happy."

James smiled at that.

A comfortable silence enveloped them when James spoke up.

"So, Yassi?" he asked sarcastically.

"Um yeah, that was an excuse. I was baking that time and I didn't know what to say." she replied shyly.

"You liar. You should've just told me you were throwing a party."

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise, dummy." Nadine rolled her eyes.

"Well you lied. You're going to have to pay for that, you know?" James whispered, leaning closer.

"Hey hey, isn't the party enough? I arranged and planned everything!"

"I know. Now it's time for my real birthday gift, right?" he raised his brows playfully.

Nadine nodded slowly and leaned in to kiss him fully on the lips.

"I love you." she whispered.

"I love you more."

That was the last thing she heard as clothes were shed off and slowly the darkness enveloped them.

• • •

Long overdue! This is short and I know it's not James' birthday lol.

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