My Step Brother (16)

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Alright. I haven't wrote in forever. I have gotten so many comments! :) I'm so sorry for the bad errors in the stories. I am trying to write & edit much as possible, so it might sound goofy at first -_- Keke. I'm so glad you liked the story. This story is the #1 most viewed for me, so I'm so thankful. I never thought this popular would be viewed that much, hehe. =^_^= Please! Please, remember to check out my newest story & remember to vote. Have a nice school year, & enjoy~


We left the hospital the next day. Alex and I sat in the car with silence. It was kind of awkward. I really did not know if I could give him a chance. Dating my future step brother? I really do not know. Within minutes, we arrived at the house. I started to clean my room, while he just sat and watched television. There was not much in the day. It was sort of those lazy days I guess?

“Do you want to go out?” My mind went blank. I turned around and blinked quickly. “Do you?”

“Umm, I'm not sure.”

“This isn't a date. I'm just bored.” He was right. Television and cleaning? The day was pretty lame.

“Sure.” Michelle, you have to control yourself. Sure. That's all you say? Oh mamma mia.

We left the house after locking all the doors. We ended up just going to the movies and eating at a fast food place. It was silent most of the time. There was no “Hey can I put my arm there” or “You can lay on my shoulder.”. It just felt like a normal day at the movies. Not a date. The place was fine also. I was not hungry much. All I had was some iced tea, while Alex had two cheeseburgers with large fries.

“Do you want to go to the new park?”

“There's a new park?”

“Yeah. I passed by it few days ago. It's just like ten minutes from home.”

“Umm sure I guess.” I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I had mixed emotions, but I'll tell you that later.

We arrived to the park later. It was kind of a warm and chilly night. I was feeling the goosebumps.

“I have blankets in the back of the car just in case you get cold.”

“Thanks.” Did he just read my mind?

We sat down in the middle of the park. I'm guessing you're thinking, “What's the story?”.

“This park has so many memories for me...”

“Really, what?”

“It all started when I was a mom and dad would take me here all the time. They took me here when I was happy or sad. It was the place of happiness for me. The best part of the park where the swings. I felt like I could fly back then. Just to escape from everything, you know?”


“Then years later I found out they were tearing everything down. They were making a new park with different things. No more monkey bars, rocking climbing wall, or the swings. It was going to be all modern. It was also the day my mom was sick. I didn't care back then. All I wanted to do was die. I had good but also bad grades in school. I was bullied for my looks. No one would look at me. I spent all my money on clothing and magazines. One day I got a job. I had to recreate myself. It took me two years to get rid of everything. I was sick and tired of everyone calling me names. I just wanted to run away or die. I didn't tell anyone. My mom tried to help. All I did was scream back at her. I regret so much...”

“I'm so sorry Michelle...I didn't know you went through so mu-”
“I know it's fine. That's what all people say...”

I just laid down on the blankets. Letting my thoughts wonder.

“I understand how you feel.”

“You do?”

“I sort of have the same feeling. I was a nerd back then. I had the good grades. Then I had the bad grades for a month or two. But I was a total nerd.”

“Lol, ready Alex?'

“Hell yeah I was. I into gaming also. I liked Pokeman, Star Wars, and so much more. I had the braces, glasses, and everything.”

“I had braces also. It sucked. Glasses are okay.”

“Same here. I have contacts in, but during the night and early morning, I use my glasses. The full framed geek ones. Anyway, I had same life kind of. People would call me 'Lil Alex' cause I had no muscles or height. I worked hard during the one or two months. I went to the gym. That's when the grades started to fall. But it was sort of worth it. My skin got better. My height increased. Plus my muscles are coming. I got my braces off. I finally got contacts.”

Just like that. The similarities just continued on. The stars started to dazzled. The winds are slowly getting stronger. It was an awkward day at first. The night seemed to be more relaxing.

Oh mamma mia. Here it comes.

It started to get more cold, so I stood up.

“Hey, can I tell you something?”

“Umm yeah I guess.”

He started to get close. Oh mamma mia. He put his left hand on my shoulder. Oh mamma mia. He started to lean in, for real. He started to-

“Achoo!” Holy crap. Did I just sneeze in this moment? I just sneezed on my future step brother. Oh mamma mia. This night. He eyes was still squinting. “Oh my...I'm so sorry. It's just so-”

“Cold tonight...It's okay”. We just left the moment like that.


Wahaha. What did you think of Michelle's story. Then later Alex's story? I know. Some of you are like “Awww...” or “Ughhh”. I know. It might sound like crap right now. It's going to be edited.

Hehe. What did you think of the ending? Did you think they were going to kiss? Hmmm? I bet you did!

Keke. I'm going to update this sometime. Please remember to check out my newest story “Saranghae” while you wait, pleeeeease! That story will mean a lot to me. Remember to vote :) Please study hard this year!


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