My Step Brother (7)

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When arriving to the food court, I knew I couldn't tell anyone about this. Dad would be furious, and the bitch would just be faking furious. The ride on the way home was silent. Well, for Alex and I it was. I know I say "awkward" alot, but it's mostly my life. I do have a awkward life. When getting out of the car, I knew I had to take a shower. It was a place where I can forget everything.

Sadly, Alex rushed to the bathroom first. It was nearly an hour. I was sad and tired. Plus I stink. I needed the shower anyway. I checked my phone and realized Tommy texted me.

Hey Babe, what's up? You all right?

Yeah sort of. I'm sorry for what has happened today.

No problem :) I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Me too! :) I'm so excited. And thanks for everything...

No problem. Have a good sleep for tomorrow! Good Night :)

Good Night :)

Within those five minutes of texting, the butterflies came back. I forgot about the whole situation for about two minutes. I fell asleep on my bed without a shower. That meant I had to get up early the next morning. Ugh. Fuck you Alex.


It was bright and early today around 8:16A.M. I had to take a shower right now, or I would stink on my "date" with tommy. After showering, I decided to text Tommy those "good morning texts". Honestly, Tommy sent me one about five minutes ago.

Good Morning Michelle :)

Good morning Tommy :)

I can't wait to see you today! So happy. That's all I can think of right now..

Aww.. me too. I have no clue to wear. So excited :)

Anything. You're cute :) Wear something warm. Might get chilly tonight. See you later! :)

Sometimes those cute little five minutes texts make my day. I decided to grab my royal and red tartan plaid shirt, white jeans, red converses, and a hoodie to keep warm. I'm not those girls who get crazy with makeup, but I guess I can do a little more with my routine. I added different colors like gold, pink, peach, and much more. I decided to add more to my mascara and eyeliner. Plus some lip blam wouldn't hurt. I grabbed my hoodie and headed out the door.

As I go downstairs, I realized it was time for some brunch. I notice Alex was sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal, while playing XBox. Shit. Is he still giving me the silent treatment? Whatever. "Are you leaving now?"

"Umm, yeah," I started to stutter again. "I'm going to meet Tommy..." I saw in his eyes that he didn't want me to go. But I knew it was wrong if I fell in love with my step brother.

"Call me if anything happens. And don't care to do anything fucking crazy with him!"

"I'm not! Damn it. I'm gonna be late. Bye." I ran out the door. Wow. 'Gimme a fucking call if anything happens"? What the hell? That's all he has to say. At least a 'sorry; would of been good.

I walked halfway to the mall then took a taxi. Tommy was in the food court waiting for me. Oh fuck. I'm fucking late. Damn it. "Hey!" he said with it excitement. He ran up to me with big excitement. He opened his arms hugging me, like a big hug. "I thought you wouldn't come..."

"Sorry, it takes a while to get here from where I live..." We just started walking around different departments like Forever21, JcPenny, Hollister, Aeropostale, and much more. Each of us got at least one item. Oh! I thought he looked adorable today. Damn. So sexy. I love his v-neck shirts. He was wearing a red, striped v-neck shirt with a red matching v-neck cardigan and skinny jeans. He was so hot, but with the eyes made it better.

We got to the point where we decided to go see a movie. It was a ten minute walk but it was okay. He had offered to carry me but I said it was fine. Actually, I did want him to, but I decided he could do it on the way home. We decided to go see the Twilight Movie of part two. We got large popcorn, two slushies, and a box of candy. He was sweet to pay for the entire day. But will he in the future?

During the movie, my neck started to hurt. It happens all the fucking time. Fuck you neck. "You okay?" Tommy whispered? "You can lay your head on my shoulder.." Damn Tommy. I felt like he was reading my mind. Slowly, I laid my head on his shoulder. His cologne. Yummy. After the entire movie was over, I was so tired of stuffing myself with food.

"You okay Michelle?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You positive, because I can carry you..."

"Nah, I'm heavy...haha"

"No. You're my babe. Well, 'cutie'". What the fuck. Alex calls me "cutie".

"Umm, I guess you can..." He got on his knees and gave me a ride on his back. I was hoping to not fall asleep and fucking drool on him. His cologne smelled so good. He was a warm heart. He's fucking hot and strong. I have feelings for him now. I felt every time I'm with him, I'll forget about Alex sometimes. We got to the point where taxi took us home. It was about 9:35P.M. I was so damn tired.

"Cutie...wake up," I heard a voice. Fuck. I fell asleep in the taxi. I stood up and got out of the taxi. Tommy followed me.

"Aren't you going home?"

"Yeah, my house is about ten minutes away, so I can walk." I felt so tired but happy. It was a long time since I had feelings for someone other than Austin Gray on Instagram and Tumblr.

I decided to tippy toe and give Tommy a bear hug. Man. I felt so safe in his arms. "I love you cutie..." I looked up into his deep blue eyes. He did. He did say that to me. He had a smile on his face. Closer. Closer. Closer.

Kiss. Best night ever.

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