My Step Brother (20)

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My thoughts are so confused right now. I looked up into the sky. My thoughts are messing up my life. Ever since my mom died, I've thought of suicide. There was nothing left. All I had was Alex to comfort me. Honestly, what Alex doesn't know is Tommy and I broke up.

He suspected us few weeks ago. I ended the relationship. I got a job and started to work overtime also. I wanted to stay away from home. Home isn't the same without my mom. All I know that she's in paradise right now. I turn around and noticed Alex was in the tent. I looked back up into the sky.

Mom. Please help me.

I looked into the river. It was nice and quiet. I start hearing sounds. I turn around and no one was there. The sound was fire sounded crisp, but there was no one. I looked back into the river. I take few steps to my right. Something hard had hit my foot. Next thing I know I fell into the water. I couldn't do anything but cough.

I didn't know how to swim. My body was feeling frozen. I kept coughing. I can get sick so easily.

Mom. Mom. Do you hear me? Please help me.

But then I though. I couldn't do anything else. I wanted to die anyway. I wanted to be with my mom. I just wanted to die. I closed my eyes. All I know is I flowed in the river.

Mom, I'm sorry.


I know extremely short. But I thought it'd be good.

Wow 20 chapters! I will be ending this soon.

I am not sure how I will end it, but I promise I

will work hard for a good ending! Please check

out my latest story “Life With EXO” I will be

mainly working on that! Please read it!


Happy New Years! ^^~

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