My Step Brother (21)

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It's almost (Lunar) New Year! May all of you have success, good health, wealth, and happiness this year ^^ Enjoy~ Annyeong~~~ ^^~~


[Alex P.O.V.]

She started to cough. "Yah! Michelle! Wake up!" She started coughing again. She slowly opened her eyes. "Michelle! Do you hear me?"

She started to close her eyes. "Yah!" Tears started to fall down her face. "Michelle..." She slowly started to get up. She wiped away her tears.

"You should of let me die."

"What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to die. Why did you have to save me. Why."

"Yah. Why are you saying this?"

"'s true. I wanted to die. My life is over. Everything. I have nothing left..."

" have me." She starts to cry again. She can't stop.

"As in brother right?"

"Well I guess yes..but I meant..umm. We can try to work-"

She starts to scream.

"Oh my gosh. Can't you understand. How many times I've told you. We can't. You know that. All we are are soon to be step siblings. I've told you that. Can't you understand me?" She started to cry again.

"Do you know how much pain I've been through these past couple of weeks? I've lost everything. My mom. Tommy. Now even my dad too. Nothing...nothing.." She stops and rests her head down.

"I'm sorry..."

She starts to sigh. She lifts her head up and looks at me. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scream at you."

"Oh's okay. go into the tent first. I'll come in later."


I know. Arreso. Arreso. Too short. I think the next chapter will be her P.O.V. Maybe.

Please remember to vote!

Also please remember to check out "Life With EXO" & "Saranghae"! ^^ Please! I will mainly work on those. Vote Vote Vote! & Read please! I plan to end this soon within some # of chapters.


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