04 | a maze

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❝ what'sout there?❞

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out there?


A sigh escaped Thomas' dry lips. Running his fingers through his sweaty hair, he made his way through the long grass, searching for signs of life that were nice and not preoccupied with dirty work.

Walking around the green field, Thomas kept thinking about Newt. He thought about the bloodshot eyes he met when greeting the British boy. The feeling of his hand shaking his own still lingered on his fingertips, sending jolts of electricity through his body. A piece of paper Newt examined before disappearing into the woods burned into his mind. All his mind could see was a blank piece but he died to know the words or the lines created on their for the Glader to be so down.

Thomas was snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed a small figure approaching him in the distance. Squinting his eyes, he identified the person as Chuck. A small smile spread into Thomas' face. Company felt nice since he was stuck in hell with no one nice to talk to.

"Frypan was not impressed with me stealing from his kitchen." Chuck laughed slightly as he got closer to the Greenie. Chuck was holding several sandwiches and drinks in his arms for Thomas and himself. Joy filled Thomas as the items in the younger boy's arms came to his sight. Food, finally.

The pair placed themselves down in front of a tree and picked up some of the freshly made sandwiches. Thomas bit into a ham and cheese sandwich, instantly springing him with delight from the taste of good food.

"Man, this is good." Thomas said with bits of sandwich still stuffed in his mouth. Chuck smiled at Thomas and continued eating.

The Greenie looked up at the massive grey walls that surrounded the Glade and started to wonder. What was behind those walls? It seemed quite odd to have four random walls surrounding a square of grass. Something was being hidden.

"What's out there?" The boy asked Chuck, referring to the walls. Chuck gulped and sweated nervously.

"I haven't been outside the Glade before." Chuck replied, glancing at Thomas from the corners of his eyes.

"You're hiding something." Thomas narrowed his eyes at Chuck as he drank some water. The little boy looked down and sighed. Thomas put the drink bottle down and finished his point with more determination in his voice, "Why are you guys so secretive?"

"It's just the way it is."

Thomas scrunched his nose up and stood up with anger, marching away from Chuck. He ignored the faint calls of the young boy, telling him to come back.

'It's just the way it is' my ass.

"Thomas! Stop! The doors are about to close!" Chuck panted as he ran up to Thomas.

"Doors? Close? What doors?" Thomas stopped to look at Chuck.

"The big openings over there?" Chuck pointed at the big entrances that opened the walls up.

"More like big openings." Thomas scoffed and turned to face the 'doors'. These people were mad.

"Just watch." Chuck groaned in annoyance at Thomas.

Silence took over the boys as they waited for the doors to close. Nothing was happening and Thomas started to feel confident that he knew what was going on.

He was wrong.

Loud banging sounds echoed in the air and the opening of the unknown world behind the walls started to shift. Both doors started to close in, blocking the view of the wonders outside. Thomas watched, mouth agape, astounded.

Once the doors fully closed, Thomas looked at the young boy who stood next to him, smiling.

"Well, you weren't kidding." Thomas said, keeping his eyes on Chuck.

"I know, you'll get used to it though. Loud grinding sounds of the Maze walls at night."

Thomas' light brown eyes widened as he heard Chuck talk. Maze? That little shit.


Chuck looked at Thomas, who was glancing at him curiously, like a cat. The young boy raised his eyebrow at the Greenie.

"You just said Maze."

"I- I did?"


"You know what? I am- I'm so done with you. I'm done." Chuck raised his hands in the air and backed away from Thomas.

Thomas watched Chuck leave him, but one question was lingering in his mind.


The little boy stopped walking and turned to face Thomas. Chuck was seriously done with the new Greenie's questions.

Thomas tried to ask the question, but the words wouldn't leave his lips.

"Don't worry."

Chuck nodded and continued his walk to the tree he previously was sitting at with Thomas.

Mentally, Thomas face palmed and called himself an idiot. Why couldn't he ask the damn question? The damn question that was just repeating in his mind like a broken record

Why couldn't he ask Chuck why Newt was so sad and isolated from the Gladers of this world?



have you guys seen the b-roll for the death cure????

the work looks amazing!! i'm getting more hyped for this movie every day! it looks very intense. i'm just not ready for that scene.

i'm lowkey dying cause i wanna know what good newtmas content we're getting in the film.. i guess we'll see.

when does the film come out for you?

it comes out january 18th for me :)

- tamsyn

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