April Fools ☆彡

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"WHAT THE FUCK LUKE!!" you yell as a bucket of some sticky substance pours over your head, probably syrup. he bursts into a fit of laughter, having to bend over and put his hands on his knees. you had been sleeping peacefully when your jerk of a boyfriend decided it'd be a great idea to pour sticky, brown, grossness all over you and your bed. finally he collapsed on the floor, face turning red from laughing still. "you're going to regret that you little shit!" you say, sitting up and going to take a shower, thinking of the revenge you would put upon Luke. Once out of the shower, you decided to get the boys to help you prank him. you shot them all a text explaining your April Fools situation and all of them happily agreed. later that night when Luke got home, after he and the boys went out, (guys I suck at coming up with pranks honestly I'm sorry) you had taken all of the food, literally every last bit of it, out of the house. Luke walks in, and opens the pantry and just stands there "um... babe?' he questions still standing in front of the opened door. "yes love?" you reply from your place on the couch. "why do we have no food... like literally we have no food?" he says, opening a couple of more cabinets, as well as the fridge. "Luke, we have plenty of food." getting up you walk to the kitchen and look in the cabinets, "See Luke! plenty of food!" "What?! Y/N there is no food!!" "Gee Luke calm down.. here," you reach into the empty cabinet and pretend to pull out w box of cereal, "eat these." "you're not holding any– ooooh!!" realization finally hitting him that you had pranked him. "okay babe where is the food, really?" you smile sweetly, "you have yet to apologize for your prank so I guess you won't find out until then." and with that you ran up to your room with Luke following behind you yelling out random apologies

@lunaluke on tumblr as per usual cos iM SO UNORIGINAL!!!

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