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sorry for not updating lately. ive been having tons of extra class meaning i went to school at 9am and got hone at 7pm. and im having my mid term exams this week but after exams i get 2 weeks of holiday sooo expect moree updates. ly. thanks for cooperating with me いぉゔぇよう

imagine you and luke on your honeymoon at santorini. youve been there for the past two weeks and you've been loving every moment of it. it was your last day there and you thought to end it the perfect way. watching to the sunset with the love of your life. getting ready, you decided not to be all fancy and just wear hoodies. to be fair you'll be on a plane in a few hours. you and luke found the perfect spot where theres no people at all. it was finally time for the sun to set and boy was it beautiful. you couldn't take your eyes of of it. luke spoke up "i love this. i love spending these kinda moments with you. im so happy I married you (Y/N). you make me the happiest man alive." you started getting teary and luke kissed the tears away. "i love you luke. more than you'll ever know." you guys proceeded to watch the beautiful sunset. with oh wonder's 'Heart hope' playing softly in the background. you leaned on Luke's shoulder and he kissed your head. it was truly the most perfect moment ever.

alsoooo.. i just remembered. we're now on 526 reads! thank you so much ive never even thought i could pass 10 😭❤️

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