"I thought I could trust you.."

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"Are you really not gonna say anything?" He mumbled against your shoulder. You both were watching tv right now but his eyes were solely on you.
And you may or may not be giving him the silent treatment right now but he deserved it. You can't believe he did that.
"I thought I could trust you." You finally spoke, still annoyed at him. "You ate the last piece of the cake even though I told you it was MINE!"
You grabbed a pillow and knocked it against the side of his head. His laughter resonated in the room as you hit him again. He was clearly enjoying this.
"Ow okay I'm sorry bub." He grabbed your wrists in an attempt to seize the attack but you were on a roll.
You reached for another pillow and started double attacking him. "You know I wanted it dick!"
"I waited all day to come back from school and eat it!" You pushed him so he was lying down on the couch, getting on top of him and continuing.
Luke couldn't stop laughing. This was too amusing, watching you get so worked up over a piece of cake.
"Please don't yell at me." He pouted up at you as you halted your movements for a second.
"You're annoying." You simply said, getting off him but he held onto your waist.
"I'll get you some more okay?" He grinned, rubbing the soft skin where your shirt rode up.
"Well duh that's obvious." You dropped the pillows and leaned down onto your elbows, faces centimetres apart. "And pizza."
"Done." He whispered, lips brushing to meet yours in a teasing kiss to which you pulled away just as fast, earning a groan from him.
"I'm waiting." You singsonged, getting up and leaving Luke a tingling mess. "And you may just get something extra if you hurry."
You've never seen him bolt to the door so quickly in your life.

Luke Hemmings Blurbs ☆彡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt