Chapter 13

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I never thought I would've done this again but somehow I ended up in Nathan's bed with bruises on my body. This kid was rough, but I like it.

"Hey..." I said to Nathan as I rubbed my eyes of sleep.

"Good morning." He smiled at me.

I got up and put my clothes on. I went downstairs and took a quick shower. I out on some ripped shorts with a crop top and some tights with platforms.

"You ready?" Nathan asked knocking on the door.

"Yeah." I said fixing my hair a bit.

I walked out my dorm room, locking it. Nathan and I went outside and some people gave us dirty looks. My bruises were a bit visible so that's why.

"You wanna go to the light house?" He asked me and I nodded.


"I love the view here." I said.

"I love this view." Nathan said looking at me and I giggled.

"I love this view too." I said looking him in the eyes.

I kissed his lips and it's soon turned into a heated make out session. It wasn't sexual or anything but it was very passionate.

I then heard something more in the bushes. I shrugged it off, considering we were in the woods it must've been a deer or bunny. Then I heard it another time, then another, it was heavier than a little animal. The footsteps were human like.

"Nathan I think someone's here." I said.

"It's nothing, probably just an animal." He said.

"No I mean I really think someone's here, Nathan. Those sounds aren't animal like." I said getting up.

I walked to the bushes and nothing was there. They must've gotten away. I swear there was someone there. I don't know who but it was someone.

"C'mon... It's almost time for class." I said to Nathan as he got up.

We walked down to the town and went back to campus. The walk back wasn't bad but I couldn't help but think about who it was that was in the bushes.

The bell rang in the school and we went to class. We had photography and it was an extended period because our science teacher, Ms. Grant, isn't here today.

"Okay Class, I will be giving you guys assigned seats today." Mr. Jefferson said and all of us groaned.

"I'm sorry but the way you've been acting toward each other is terrible. You need to learn how to get along with each other. So I will be putting you with new people." He announced and I looked at Nathan, I was hoping I could sit with him.

"Okay..." He began to announce names I just listened to hear my name being called, "Anastasia, Nathan, Victoria and Max." Mr. Jefferson said and I smiled.

Nathan and I say next to each other, obviously which left Victoria and Max to have a hissy fit.

"Just move farther away from each other." Nathan sighed.

"Easy for you to say, you're not sitting next to someone you hate. You're sitting next to your girlfriend." Victoria hissed.

"Can you just move Max?" Nathan asked Mr. Jefferson.

"Max? Would you like to move to a different table?" Mr. Jefferson questioned.

"Yes please." she said and got up, moving to Taylor's table.

"Finally, She's gone." Victoria mumbled and sat down.

"Now today, since we have an extended period we are going to learn stuff a little different. We are going to learn how to get along. Because of your middle school behavior you have to go through this torture." Mr. Jefferson said.

"We will be exchanging secrets to see how trustworthy we are. I bet that you can't last two days without telling someone's secret." He chuckled.

"I'll gladly take that deal." I said and everyone else agreed.

"So, what happens if we win?" I asked.

"You guys get to skip two periods of photography, or I could take you guys on a camping trip, near the lighthouse." He said.

"Okay, what happens if you win?" I asked.

"Nothing much, you guys just have to start behaving and trust me, karma will get you." He said, chuckling.

We made the deal and started to exchange secrets around our tables. Only our table mates can know out secrets.

"Well, Victoria you go first." I said and she laughed.

"One secret is... That... I have a collection of action figures and comics." she whispered.

"Okay, your turn Ana," she said and I was embarrassed.

"I used to date Warren." I mumbled.

"What!" Victoria Whisper screamed.

"Yeah...." I sighed and looked at Nathan.

He was a bit tense.

"I used to be an emo hipster like Chloe." He said and we laughed.

"You need to show us pictures." I said and he chuckled.

"No way." He said.

"Yes." I laughed.

"No... I looked so depressed and like I hated everyone." He said.

This was going to be a good bet...

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