Chapter 19

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*One month later*
(Sorry for the skip of time)


Nathan was going to meet my family today. My parents are rich, yes but they aren't exactly... Fancy... They are literally like animals.

We were in front of the house and I looked at Nathan as I reached for the door knob. I opened it and my family cheered.

"Little Sister!" My brother exclaimed and pulled me in.

"Hi Nick!" I giggled and hugged him.

"Is this the guy we're meeting?" Nick asked me, looking at Nathan.

"Yes Nick. This is Nathan, my boyfriend. Nathan, this is Nick my big brother," I smiled and they shook hands.

"How can you put up with her?" Nick asked him.

"It's a gift," Nathan chuckled and I hit Nick on the shoulder.

"I can't wait for dinner! Abuela makes the best food!" I exclaimed to Nick.

"I know right!" He said.

We went into the house and I introduced Nathan to my Mom, Dad, My brother Kalup, my other brother Hayden and my Abuela (Grandma).

"Cómo estás," I asked my mom.

"Muy bien!" she responded and I smiled.

"Pequeña hermana , Estás listo para la lucha?" my brother Hayden asked.

(English: Little Sister, you ready for some fighting?)

"Obviamente , siempre he sido más fuerte," I exclaimed and my brother chuckled.

(English: Obviously, I've always been stronger)

Kalup came up behind me and pulled my hair. I took my shoe off and started hitting him with it.

"Calm down!" He yelled.

"Don't pull my hair estupido!" I yelled.

"Perra!" He shouted back.

(He called her a bitch)

"Eh! Shut up! We have a guest! Malo!" My mom screamed at my brother and I.

"But he hit me Mami!" I pouted.

"I don't care!" she yelled and sipped her drink.

I hit my brother one last time and stuck my tongue out at him like a child.

My brothers are so annoying.


We all sat at the table and I say next to Nathan. My abuela made food for everyone. My family was very Christian and although Im not religious, I pray with them.

Nathan seemed to like my family a lot. I think he likes the feeling of being more goofy and silly than serious. His family doesn't really have time to play around and be... Well... Be a family.

My family on the other hand, we're usually very goofy and silly and all that positive stuff. I'm not insulting Nathan's family, I would never, but I do think his family is too serious at some times.

"So Nathan, your gonna be taking care of my sister?" my brother Kalup asked.

"Yep," Nathan smiled.

"Well, just some pointers... Don't get her mad because she'll beat you with whatever shoe she's wearing, even if it's a heel. And she cannot save money. Once she has money, it's gone," Kalup chuckled.

"Besame el culo!" I snapped to my brother.

(English,"Kiss my ass")

My mother got up from the table and dragged my brother By his ear then dragged me by my hair.

"Ow! Mami! Stop!" I yelled as she pulled us out the dining room.

My mom pulled us into the hallway and slapped my brother and I on out arms. I winced because her hits hurt like hell.

"Deja de maldecir! Y puta gritando el uno al otro desde el otro lado de la mesa! ¡Es malo!" My mom screamed and I sighed.

(English, "Stop cussing! And fucking yelling at each other from across the table! It's bad!)

"But Mami You just cussed!" I yelled.

"I'm an adult, Anastasia! And Kalup, leave your sister alone," she snapped and we all went back into the dining room.

I pouted and Nathan chuckled.

"Someone's mad..." Hayden chuckled and I looked at him.

"Papi! Can I please hit Hayden after dinner!" I asked my dad.

"No," he chuckled.

"You know she's gonna do it anyway," Hayden mumbled.

"Stop fighting! Malo!" My abuela said.

"They're so annoying though," I whined.

My abuela got up from the dining table and went into the kitchen. She came back with my favorite desert, Pio Quinto. Pio Quinto is a Nicaraguan rum cake. It's delicious.

"Nothing that this can't fix!" abuela exclaimed and put the Pio Quinto on the table.

My mom and me got up and gathered everyone's dishes. We rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher. We put smaller plates for everyone on the table for the Pio Quinto.

"I call dibs on first piece!" I exclaimed right before Nick could.

"Dammit!" He pouted.

I stuck my tongue out at him as my mom served me a piece. Nick got the next piece, then Nathan, Hayden, Kalup, Papi, Abuela then finally Mami.

Nathan hesitated to try it but then my brother Hayden, who was siting right next to him practically stuffed it into his mouth. I looked at Hayden angrily and sighed.

"Sorry, but he was taking forever to try it! C'mon, Abuela makes the best Pio Quinto, I had to make him try it," he said and we laughed.

Nathan's eyes went wide for a moment and I giggled.

"Do you like it?" I asked and he nodded quickly.

"This is so good!" He exclaimed.

"Told you," Hayden chuckled.


"Bye!" Nathan and I waved as we left the house.

My family waved goodbye back and closed the door. Nathan and I walked back to Blackwell. It wasn't far, just like a ten minute walk.

When we got to Blackwell we went to my room.

"You staying tonight?" I asked.

"If you want me to," Nathan chuckled.

"Maybe," I giggled.

He chuckled and kissed me, pushing my onto my bed. We were making out for a couple minutes but then got ready for bed.

I tied my hair up into a messy bun and threw on a t-shirt with some sweats. Nathan and I got into my bed and fell asleep.

I really loved this day...


Sorry for all the Spanish words and stuff. I'm Nicaraguan and I just couldn't resist having a stereotypical Hispanic family in the story, haha. But seriously, I'm not joking when I say us Hispanics don't play around, you disrespect us or our family, you gonna get a beating by a slipper XD


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