Chapter 34

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Anastasia has seemed off for the last week or so. She's been more secretive and secure of herself. I thought what she said to me last week was just her being a little worried and sad. But, it turned out to be something way bigger.

I don't know what's wrong, yet... All I know is that it's changed her. She's been spending more time with herself and distancing herself from people. She's even being more distant towards Victoria and Me. She never responds when we talk to her and she never spends time with us. She doesn't even look at us.

All she does is go to school, take her notes and then go back to her dorm. She never goes outside and she doesn't even care about how she looks. Her eyes have Black around them, like she hasn't slept in days. I know she had insomnia but I never knew it could get this bad.


I never understood how people could just get up and leave. Not saying goodbye to you. Or telling you they're leaving.... They leave you helpless and sad and worried.

"Anastasia, what's wrong?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up.

It was Mr. Jefferson...

"It's nothing," I shrugged and he sat next to me.

"Anastasia, I know who you are and when somethings up. Don't try lying to me," he stated and I shook my head.

"Why do people leave?" I asked.

"Oh... You mean like die?" He asked softly and I shook my head.

"No, they literally get up and just leave. Without letting you know or without telling you. Why?" I asked him.

"Well, some people leave to explore because they're bored. And some people leave because they need to, like maybe they need to be somewhere else," he answered, his voice soft and comforting.

"But... Why? Why didn't he at least say goodbye to me when he left? He was such a big inspiration in my life and he just left..." I began to cry.

"It's okay. People come and people leave. There's not stopping them. It's just how life works," he sighed.

"But he meant to much to me... He just left. I didn't want him to leave! He left me! He left everything and everyone!" I sobbed and hugged Mr. Jefferson.

"It's okay Anastasia. Have you tried calling this person?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Well then go and try. See if they pick up," He said and I nodded.

I got up and ran to my dorm. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. Especially not Nathan. He would be devastated to see me like this. He hated seeing me cry and he hated seeing me upset in general.

"Anastasia?" I heard a whole bunch of people ask as I ran to my room.

I locked my door shut and searched for my laptop. I found it under my sheets and opened it.

I clicked on FaceTime and clicked his name. It rang a couple of times and then he answered.

"Anastasia!" He exclaimed.




What do you think happens next? Where is Nick right now?
Why did he leave?

Anyway! None of my friends are answering me so that's a good sign. I'm so lonely tbh. Not even my Internet friends are answering me.

Seriously though, my friends think I'm annoying. I know it. I have proof of them saying it. They literally say 'My best friend Tati is annoying the shit out of me! She keeps texting me!'

Like, bitch maybe if you responded once in a while I would leave you alone? And maybe if you stopped treating me like I was a bad friend then maybe I wouldn't annoy you as much.

Seriously... All I ever do is want to impress people and show them that I can be cool, but all I wind up Doing is being annoying and making them hate me even more :(

I'm honestly never going to find people who actually like me, aren't I?

Keep your chins up my little space pups!™


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