Chapter 26

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I woke up next to Nathan. He was snoring lightly and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

I eventually got out of his grip, after a couple minutes of struggling. I got up and got my shower stuff. I went to the showers and took a quick, five minute shower.

When I got back, Nathan was still sleeping. He looked so cute when he sleeps. It's so adorable. His mouth his slightly open and his little nose let's out snores.

"Nathan," I whisper softly, waking him up.

"Nathan..." I tried again and he groaned.

"What?" He asked, half asleep.

"Wake up, we have classes in an hour," I said and he shot up from the bed.

"And hour? What time is it?" He asked.

"It's around nine, why?" I asked and he rushed to out his clothes on.

"Shit!" He mumbled.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was supposed to meet up with my parents about half an hour ago!" He said and I got worried for him.

"They're gonna kill you, " I sighed.

"I know! I'll be back by the end of classes, bye. Love you," he rushed, kissing me on the cheek and then running out.

I giggled and then slipped my shoes on. I did my hair and left it loose. My outfit was nice. I was wearing high-waisted light blue skinny jeans, a G-Eazy lady killers Jersey with some Jordan's.

 I was wearing high-waisted light blue skinny jeans, a G-Eazy lady killers Jersey with some Jordan's

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I left my dorm and walked to the school. My first class was English today. I loved English because we got to write random little stories. I usually gave my stories to Nathan and he keeps them in a little binder. Whenever I see the binder he's always made little notes on the stories about how great they are.

"So, today we're going to write a letter to someone we miss... It cannot be someone you talk to currently. It needs to be to someone who you rarely talk to, someone you want back," our English teacher explained the lesson.

"What if it's too hard for us to do this?" I ask.

"It is not a choice. This is something you need to do in life. You need to confront the people who have done you wrong or the people you miss," she answered and I sighed.

We got out our journals and began to write. I didn't know who to write to. There were so many people. Most of them are people I used to date and others are people who are dead. I didn't want Nathan to get mad at me for sending a letter to my ex but... I have to do this assignment.

"Here we go... Fucking Zack," I sigh, and no, it isn't Zachary from our school.

Zack was a boy friend I had after Warren broke up with me. He was really nice. I mean, he was amazing. But he turned out to be a douche. He broke up with me because his family didn't like me. Honestly, it hurt. And yes, I was very upset... But, I think this will actually help.

Dear Zack,

Just to let you know, I still think your an asshole. I haven't fully gotten over the fact that you broke up with me because your mom didn't like me. Honestly, you fucking hurt me. You'll probably never write me back or you most likely just don't care about what j have to say but you are a huge asshole. I live in Arcadia Bay now, I go to Blackwell Academy and have met the most wonderful people here. I am still the jealous psychotic girl you knew before, by the way. But... The real point of this is to tell you I miss you and although we have both loved on with other people, I'll honestly never forget how much fun we had the summer of sophomore and junior year. I remember when we threw rocks off that cliff and then screamed at the top of our lungs. I miss you, you probably don't miss me but... Yeah, that's all I have to say.

Yours truly,
Anastasia Olson

I fold the paper up and grab an envelope. I put the note into the envelope and seal it shut. I then put the address of his school that he goes to.

"I'm done!" I announce and my English teacher comes to me.

"Good, you can go on your phone now," she said and I nodded.

I began to write and draw comic book characters. My phone buzzed and I checked it. It was Nathan.


N- Hey, my parents are more late than me :/

A- Haha, you rushed out for no reason.

N- Shut up :)

A- No thank you

N- Whatever, what are you doing?

A- I finished my assignment and now I'm on my phone. I'm in English btw

N- What was the assignment?

A- Uhh... Nothing. Just a little story

N- Liar

A- It was to write a letter

N- to who?

A- someone we miss

N- :/ who'd you write it to?

A- People, we'll I gotta go! Bye! Love you!

N- Love you too, I'm gonna get you to tell me later btw

*end of texts*

I sighed and put my phone away. I just Doodles for the rest of the class time. The class ended soon enough and I decided to skip next class.

I went to the diner cause I was hungry as fuck. When I walked into the diner I greeted Joyce. I then looked for a booth. I saw a familiar face. I went a bit Closer, not being obvious.


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