Chapter 35

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Okay, I know I haven't posted in a while so just in case you forgot about what happened in the last few chapters, I'm going to give a little summary:

Anastasia has been shutting down because her oldest brother Nick left. This tears her apart because she looked up to him and he protected her from terrible People. Nathan is trying to figure out what happened with Anastasia and... Yeah, that's all that happened.


I didn't like the fact Nick left me... I didn't like it one bit. He tried to explain it to me but I just couldn't take it. There's no excuse for you to leave your little sister who looked up to you, without any sign.

"Anastasia?" I heard Nathan's voice behind the door to my dorm.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I have cookie dough fudge ice cream, and I have oreos," he stated and I smiled.

"Come in," I said and he came in.

"Here," he said and gave me a bag filled with sweets.

"Thanks," I sighed and he frowned.

"Why are you so quiet lately... Not even oreos are enough to cheer you up," he stated sadly.

"I'm sorry for being so sad all the time it's just... Nick left. He left me and my family and now I don't have anyone to look up to and he used to protect me all the time... He was my big brother and he just left me without a sign," I started to tear up but stopped myself from crying.

"Don't be sad-"

"I'm not even sad! I'm mad! I'm mad at this whole fucking world for taking everything away from me! Next thing you know everyone in my family is going to leave and then you're going to leave! I won't have anyone! All people ever do is leave me and it's not fair! It's really not! I hate this! Why do people have to treat me like I'm their world when really I'm not even close to it! They give me everything, just to take it away! Why couldn't you just let me suffer! At least then I didn't have anything to loose! But you have to give me the world just to you can make me cry a myself to sleep at night!" I got up and threw a class bottle at the wall.

"I'm never going to leave you... No one left you. Nick still loves you, how could he not? You're his little sister. You're his only sister. Don't think like that," Nathan tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Don't say that! Do not say that! You're gonna leave me too! You're going to leave me and never speak to me again! You're going to leave me without a sign!" I screamed at him and I started to cry.

"I would never do that!" He tried to defend himself but the voices in my head didn't listen.

"Fuck you! You're lying to me! All people ever do is lie to me!" I shouted and then he pinned me to the wall.

"No one is lying to you. I would never leave you, I will never stop loving you, you are the best thing that happened to me and I will never let you go," he stated and I broke down crying.

"Im sorry... I just-"

"Its okay," he said and pulled me into a hug.

Why do I take his love for granted? He's the best...


Hello my little space pups! im so sorry i havent updated in forever, you all probably hate me but if you didnt know i was away at camp for a whe month! i also had a lot to do and a lot to catch up on so please forgive me! im going to update more often, i promise!

Keep your chins up my little space pups!™


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