Chapter Eight (Full Chapter)

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Nico stands outside Maki's bedroom door and stretches. She's hoping that when she opens the door, Maki will be done with her homework. It's been almost two hours and Nico is starting to get frustrated. She loves Maki and she knows that homework takes awhile, but she just wants to be able to touch her girlfriend. Kiss her, hold her hand, run her fingers through her hair, stuff like that.
Maki sighs and stands up. She finished her homework shortly after Nico went to the bathroom. Now she's just impatiently waiting for her girlfriend to return. It's been almost ten minutes and after nearly two hours of hardly touching Nico, she's more than ready to have some fun. She hasn't yet told Nico that her parents won't be home tonight, but she'll figure that out soon enough.
Nico walks in and looks up. She sees Maki standing only a foot in front of her. The younger girl stares at her for a second before slowly shutting the door. Maki roughly kisses her girlfriend, accidentally pinning her against the door in the process. She slowly slides her hand up Nico's shirt, eliciting a small moan when she squeezes Nico's breast.
Maki pulls away from Nico's lips and kisses her neck. She gently bites at her girlfriend's collar bone, earning a small moan. Nico starts breathing heavily against the door, loving what Maki is doing. This isn't what she was expecting, but she's not going to complain about it. As Maki pulls the older girl's shirt off, Nico decides it's her turn.
Nico gently pushes Maki away, earning a curious look from her. She grabs Maki's collar and spins the two of them around, pinning Maki against the door. The older girl kisses her girlfriend roughly before sliding Maki's shorts and panties down her legs. Maki gasps as the cold air hits her most sensitive area. She leans her head back against the door as Nico slowly gets on her knees.

~one hour later~
Maki and Nico are snuggled up in Maki's bed. Both of them satisfied after earlier events. Nico yawns and Maki smiles. Her phone buzzes and she rolls over to answer the text message. Nico pouts and glares at Maki's phone, angry about the interruption.
From Nozomi:
How are you and Nicochi?

Maki quickly messages back that they're great and silences her phone. She doesnt mind talking to Nozomi, but right now she'd rather enjoy her alone time with Nico. After all, Honoka already interrupted them once today. That's a story for another time though.
"Yes, Nico-chan?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."

A/N: yeah it kinda sucks, i know. I'm sick and today sucks. The next chapter will better because I'll actually have time to right and not feel like puking every five minutes. See you next Monday :)

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