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My head pounded along with the bass of the speakers. I just wanted to go home.

I don't know why I let my sister drag me to this stupid ass party, I never did like them anyways. I was an introvert. She was an extrovert. I'd rather go to a school function than to be out where people where popping pills and hooking up for fun. This just wasn't my wave. I was only here because I knew my sister wasn't going to be able to go without me, and she begged me to go. 

"Ria, have you seen Hadia?" I asked my sister's friend.

That's how I referred to everyone. Because they damn sure weren't my friends. Just hers. Hadia knew everybody, I knew myself. I didn't really care to become friend with anyone else either. I felt better being alone.

"No, I didn't see her. Why what's wrong?" He asked with furrowed brows.

He was crazy about Hadia, just like half the niggas here.

"Nothing. I'm just ready to go home."

"Oh, I haven't seen her. Maybe uber or something," she shrugged before walking off.

I looked down at my cup. I was thirsty, but not for alcohol. I had Hennessy and some other liquor that I couldn't put my finger on. The cup of vat was something I had no interest in. It was just dehydrating me more. I didn't want to bother myself with it.

I sat the cup down on a random counter and continued to search for my sister. She had the keys because it was her turn with the car that we unfortunately had to share. Sharing everything was a big challenge that came with being twins, but she was the older twin. So, he got her drivers license first. I knew she was going to be drinking, and a big part of me knew I was going to have to drive home when I found her. I knew she was going to be drunk already, but I didn't mind too much. I just wanted to go. I was tired of being here. 

I stumbled to the kitchen aimlessly where I found a group of boys doing body shots off some girl that was too drunk to function. 

"You wanna go?" One of the boys asked me.

"No thank you." I stammered over my words, trying to get away from the situation.

I slid the patio door open and went into the backyard. There was a pool back there, but given the time of year nobody cared to swim. I sat down on one of the pool chairs hoping to relax for a minute or two before continuing my hunt for Hadia. 

I laid back and closed my eyes. The cool fall air was soothing my skin. It felt like it'd been blistering from being in such a cramped space with so many moving bodies.

I heard the door slide open and two dudes came outside, joking around and talking. I ignored their presence until they came to the pool chair near where I was sitting. I was slightly agitated that no matter where I went, I couldn't find peace mind. 

"Mind if we sit here?" one of them asked.

"Sure. It's whatever," I replied.

"We about to smoke if you down.."

"Oh, no thank you," I smiled and nodded.

"I'm Ty," he stuck his hand out and I shook it.

"I'm Nadia." I replied.

I turned to leave, but the one that hadn't spoke grabbed my hand. He hadn't introduced himself to me, and him simply touching me irritated me. I snatched my hand away from him and balled my face into a mug. 

"Where you going Hadia? Acting cute and shit like you don't know a nigga," the unknown boy said. 

"No, I'm-"

"You know you know me."

"I'm Nadia. With an N. You're confused."

He looked me over.

"You right. Hadia ass waaaay fatter than yours," he laughed like it was a compliment. 

"Boy, fuck you." 

I didn't care enough to continue to argue with him. I should've been used to being compared to my sister by now. I didn't like it, but were identical twins. She was always going to be compared to me in one way or another. I rolled my eyes and went back into the house. I was frustrated because I wanted nothing more than to go home,  but I had to make sure my sister got home safe. She never knew how far to go when it came to drinking. 

I didn't want to go back into the house, but I knew I needed to to find Hadia. I was irritated fighting through the crowd of hot and sweaty bodies. Somehow, I found the staircase and went upstairs to see if she was somewhere throwing up her soul. I was praying that she wasn't in a position where she was laying on her back for some random nigga at this party. 

I knocked on the bathroom door, and pressed my ear against the cold painted door to try to hear from the answer of whoever was inside. I didnt hear a response so I pushed the door open a little and found Hadia slumped over the toilet puking her soul out.

"Stupid, I told you not to drink that much," I sighed as I lifter her off the wall and paid close attention to her to make sure she hadn't hurt herself. "Where are the keys?" 

"I don't know where my purse at," She stammered over her words. "The keys in the purse." 

I rolled my eyes and started to look around for her purse. It was harder trying to force myself to remember what purse I'd seen her with. I threw her arm over my shoulder to try to give her the support she needed so that she could manage to walk on her own. 

Almost immediately, we were met by a bronwskin boy with her pursed rolled into his hands. He clutched the chain tightly and had it out to me as soon as he saw our situation. 

"She told me go find her purse," he laughed a little.

"And I can't thank you enough," I gave him a half hearted smile and started to continue to drag Hadia away. 

"Do you need help?" he asked, sort of following us.

"I'm fine, I got her."

"Okay, be safe." He stood back a little to watch us walk away. 

His small act of kindness had become the highlight of my night.

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