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I guess Xabrien decided to give me a few days to "think" about what happened, because for three whole days I didn't hear from him.

I wasn't used to that, and I was worried about him. I wanted to text him just to see what was wrong. But I didn't want to start a conversation on a "break". I hadn't decided if a break meant breaking up, or just falling back for a little while.

But that didn't mean I was all in Logan face. I wanted to be, but my conscious wouldn't let me. He wasn't even trying to be in a relationship with me. Every time we discussed Xabrien, he'd ship us getting back together because he said he couldn't make me happy like X did. Or that he couldn't make me feel like X did.

In all honesty, that did nothing but made me want him more. But I didn't wanna just fuck him. In the pit of my stomach, it made me feel like all he wanted to do was smash. I didn't think it was a good idea to do so.

I went to Hadia's room and knocked on her door with the bag of McDonald's in hand. Unlike her, I respected her privacy.

"I got you food Hadi." I said handing her the bag.

"Thank you sis." She sat up and grabbed the bag.

I know she wasn't feeling well. So I was kinda catering to her.

"I think that I wanna go natural." She said when I was turning to leave the room. "I want the baby to understand self love, not conform to beauty standards."

"That's really good Hadia. I'm proud of your open mind." I nodded my head.

"Can I ask you a question. And I know I'm probably overstepping my boundaries, but what's going on with you and Xabrien. He's been texting me everyday asking me if you're okay."

"I'm not dwelling on it." I brushed off her question. "I forgot your drink in the car."

I went to the car to go get her drink, and then I saw Xabrien's car parked near the mailbox. He got out when he saw me.

"I didn't wanna call, I knew you wouldn't answer.." X mumbled.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I miss you." He mumbled walking over to me.

"Are you coming in?" I asked him stopping at the door and looking back at him.

He nodded his head and followed behind me, coming into the house and following me up the stairs.

"I hate these shorts." He mumbled walking up the stairs behind me.

It's the fucking summer. Why did he expect me to have on tights or joggers?

"Bet." I said to him. "Go into my room and wait for me."

He nodded and turned off into my room. I went to bring Hadia her drink.

"Did you know Xabrien was coming here?" I asked her lowly.

"No, he's here?"

"Yeah. He was sitting outside waiting on me."

"Shit, I'm sorry. He asked if you were home."

"So what made you think for a second that he wasn't going to try to come over??" I asked her irritatedly.

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