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I crumpled up the beginning of my essay and sat it to the side of my desk. I wasn't feeling the topic. I wasn't feeling anything right now other than anger. I was beyond pissed off.

I hadn't talked to Xabrien all weekend, my mom took every electronic I owned except the tv. No iMessage, no DMs, no snapchat, no nothing.

I was about to have to explain the situation to my friends as to why I stood them up, and defend my sister's name when they talked shit about her. Then I was going to have to explain to X why I was ignoring his calls, messages, and snaps. I felt like he was going to feel like it was all his fault, that I was in a childish position and fall back from me.

To top it all off, my sister was the reason I was in this predicament. She was gone with the car the entire weekend. If she did that shit just to get the car all she had to do was ask me.

I was upset with my parents. It was okay for Hadia to do whatever she wanted, but I kissed a boy in the driveway and caught hell for it. I got a speech about self respect from my daddy, and my mama gave me a speech about how I shouldn't do those types of things with boys that don't deserve me. I felt like Xabrien deserved all of me, and I knew damn well my sister was being lose for boys who wouldn't even buy her a meal from McDonalds. 

Last time I checked, I was a virgin. I hadn't had sex with anyone by my own free will. I hadn't consented to anything other than kissing and some fingering to Brandon and that was my freshman year of high school. And they knew that! I'm the only kid that gets to say no they haven't been sexually active when we go to the doctors.

"Turn in what you have for your summaries. You'll have time to complete them in class tomorrow," My literature teacher, Mrs. Kendall said.

She wasn't as cool as Mr. Porter, but she was okay. She gave a lot of extra time on assignments, but she always wanted to know your business. And that was what annoyed me most. I placed my paper in the bin before heading to the usual spot that I met my friends in for lunch. I really hoped they didn't come with no petty shit today, because I really wasn't in the mood.

Raven was the first to make it to the table. She wasn't irritated or anything, she was more concerned.

"What's wrong? You seem upset. Does it have something to do with what happened over the weekend?" She pressed.

She was the friend to go to vent. She was a care taker. She always wanted to make sure everything was okay with everyone. I think that was my favorite thing about her.

"I'll explain when Janelle gets here," I sighed.

"She isn't here today. She had to go to the doctor. She said it in the group chat," Raven said.

"I got my phone taken away. I can't see anything," I shrugged.

"What happened? You almost never get in trouble."

"It was a bad idea to chill with Xabrien after school last Friday."

"You aren't disclosing enough details," Raven sighed.

"Okay, well everything went well. From the time he picked me up to the time he dropped me off. When he dropped me off is when shit went downhill. He bought me home at about 5:30 because I didn't wanna go when it was too late, and because my phone was going dead. I had to poop but I was going to tell him that."

"Brazy, but bontinue," Raven laughed. I hated when her ass thought she was a blood and didn't used C's.

"Well we were sitting in the car in front my door, and we were talking, and then he told me he liked me. And when I tried to say it back, he grabbed my face and kissed me."

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