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"I just love how you didn't hit us up over the break. Didn't hear a single word from you." Raven rolled her eyes

"Phones work both ways." I informed her.

"Yeah, I texted you and yo ass didn't text back." Janelle rolled her eyes.

"She was too busy riding Xabrien dick to remember she has friends." Raven mumbled.

"I don't feel like arguing with y'all. Cause y'all damn sure not about to gang up on me. Y'all don't give a damn about what's going on in my life. Y'all just want rides and to be in my business." I huffed leaving the table.

We'd been back in school for a whole week. It was Friday and now they wanted to bring this wack shit up.

I hated when they did that. They did me the same thing freshman year when I was with Brandon. Any time I'd be with him instead of them, they'd make it seem like I didn't give them attention, or like I never spent time with them.

Raven and Janelle were closer to each other than they were to me. They had a tendency of talking about problems they had with me to each other and not to me. They let things that bother them manifest then they'd try to gang up on me.

I texted them, but the only wanted to use me for rides. They didn't even want to hang with me. Honestly, I never even told them Xabrien and I had sex. They assumed and I let them assume.

Every relationship in my life was exhausting me. I decided I wasn't going to go to my last two classes, and I went to the locker room and changed for softball practice instead.

I irritatedly stuffed my uniform into my bag and curled up into a corner with my phone in my hands.

Baby 💓: how's your day going baby?

Nadia 👑: Shitty (;

Baby 💓: why? I need to pop off?

Nadia 👑: Quit being corny. It's just bullshit with "friends"

Baby 💓: raven and janelle? I thought everything was cool with them 💀

Nadia 👑: Well, you got all my time over break and they had an issue with it. They tried to gang up on me & start a argument but I wasn't widdit. So I just dipped.

Baby 💓: stubborn ass. go say sorry.

Nadia 👑: Boiii you got me so fucked up.

Baby 💓: i am not playing w you no nadia 🙄

Nadia 👑: I'm not playing either. I didn't do shit wrong therefore I'm not apologizing. So either you can side w me and say something to make me feel better or quit hml 🙄

Baby 💓: quit fucking playing with me 😐

Nadia 👑: Dont fucking curse at me

Baby 💓: cut it out.

I angrily pressed the power button on my phone. He was trying to start shit with me too. I knew to text him back eventually, or else his ass would pull up on me. School, practice, home, it didn't matter where I was. Xabrien knew my whereabouts and my schedule like clockwork.


I moved the ice packs on my sore thighs and struggled through my last equation. I just wanted to be done with my homework so I could sleep. I knew it'd be better to do it now, because I wouldn't do this shit on Sunday. Or an of the day this weekend.

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