Chapter 14- Nightmares

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It's now my third time waking up tonight because of mothers nightmares, it's bound to get us found. She's thrashing around and screaming. 'Shhh' I say while rubbing her hair. 'Im sorry' she sniffs 'they are getting worse in the arena'. 'Its ok' I reply 'just go back to sleep'.

Several hours later I wake up, phew no more nightmares. I sit up feeling refreshed. Gale and Izak are gone. I look down the tree. They are there, 'morning' I say. 'Finally, you're up' says Gale. I wake up mother, we have a big day today, we are going to track down the careers. 'Are you ok mother... to do this, are you feelin dizzy yet, it's day three now after you got the bite?'. 'Im fine' she replies. She tries gets up and falls over. 'You're not alright' I say. I shout down to Gale 'I don't think mother will be able to go with us today'. 'I thought so' he replied. 'Wait in the tree, we will only be a few hours' I say to her. 'Be careful' she mumbles as she lies down and falls back asleep.

'I climb down the tree, she's getting worse' I tell Gale. 'I know, we must put on a good show, let's track those careers' he shouts.We head off into woods in search of the careers, backpacks on our backs and weapons in hand.

An hour later we hear talking. 'Its them' says Izak. We approach there camp with cation. 'What's the plan' I ask. 'We wait' says Gale 'until they split up, we have no hope against eight of them'. We climb a tree to spy on the camp.

Not long afterwards they split into two groups, one group goes hunting and the rest stay behind. We decide in about an hours time when the other careers are well out of the way we are going to light a fire. We hope one or two careers will leave the camp and the others will stay behind to guard the camp. We will then attack the camp and steal some supplies.

An hour or so later we light a fire. We circle around the camp and hope the careers will see it. Soon enough two careers head towards the fire to investigate leaving the remaining two careers behind, Clide and Winsor I think there names are.

We leave it two minutes and run towards them with our weapons in our hands. I stab Winsor in the back with my spear, she swings around and my head just dodges her mace by an inch. I trip her up and jump on top of her. She is so strong that she throws me off her and I hit the ground hard. Izak throws his knife and it buries into her head and within seconds a cannon goes off. I get up quickly and run over to Gale he is on top of Clide, he has no weapon. I pick up my spear and lodge it in his chest, dead.

We rush around and grab some of there supplies before the others return. We run back to the tree that we left mother in. Blood is oozing down Gales forehead. 'Are you okay?' I ask. 'Yes' he replies 'its only a graze... I just hope we have done enough'.

We return to our tree and sit and wait in hope to receive a gift. We manage to grab two knives, another sleeping bag, night vision goggles, a torch, a net and the mace from Winsor but there was no sign of food. The careers must be running short also.

Eventually mother wakes up 'how are you feeling' asks Gale. 'Just a bit dizzy' she replies. Gale starts to cry 'I'm so sorry Katniss, I said I would protect you and now you only have two days left, I should have known the medicine you need costs thousands, no sponsor is that generous'. Just then a parachute floats onto the tree. I grab it and open it quickly. 'Its only water' I say. We eat our remaining food and wash it down with our sponsors gift. 'We can't give up Gale' I say. 'I know, we won't' he replies. 'But first we need to find some food, collect berries and...', 'father' shouts Izak 'there is animals, the grass mutts, we can eat them!' 'Yes... Buts its too dangerous' he replies 'Until we get some medicine we can't, it's to risky'. We all agree. So that afternoon we set off In hope to find some food, leaving mother behind again. I'm almost keeling over with hunger.

Several hours later it is dark and we went back to our tree, only after finding a few berries. Mother is still up there but can hardly move before she is dizzy again. We bring the berries to her and ask of her approval. 'Nightlock' she mutters. 'Oh no' I reply. I stuff some in my pocket, maybe I can use them as a weapon just like father did before, but that was by accident.

'Im starving' says Izak. 'Me too' I reply 'but we can't do anything about it' I snap.


'Sorry for snapping' I say. 'Its ok' he replys.

I'm getting really worried about mother now, what if no one sponsors her the medicine. In two days mother could be dead. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I can't even think of this now, all I need to think of is a way to get sponsors. I think to myself, there must be another source of food or water, they're not just going to force all the tributes into the high grass and make them die from mutt bites.

Unless there's something else.....

The anthem plays and we see Clide and Winsors face in sky. I would have loved to see the careers faces when they found out they had been stolen from. They are probably mourning there loss right now. Blythe lost a father and Harlow lost a mother. I feel guilty now.

Suddenly Albus Rathbones voice Is booming over the arena. 'Attention tributes, tomorrow there will be a feast at noon, one boy and one girl from each district may attend, all of you are in need of life saving supplies...


And all of you won't make it out alive... May the odds be ever in your favor'.

I cry out in relief. 'Katniss' medicine' says Gale. 'Did you hear that Katniss'. 'Yes' she replies. 'Now lets get some sleep' says Gale. That was the something else, I knew they wouldn't just leave us all starve to death, that would be boring.

I lay down into the sleeping bag I snatched from the careers camp. The thought going around my head is 'all of you won't make it out alive'. What does this mean I ask myself, are we all going to be trapped until someone dies?, will we be forced to meet the other tributes?, A feast means food right?, eventually I fall asleep and all dream about is food.

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