Chapter 26- Stay Strong

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This chapter is dedicated to @Mesantiago. Thank you for reading and the lovely comments on my story :D

Chapter 26- Stay Strong

Announcement- Albus Rathbone

'Attention tributes, your chance to leave the arena has now ended. Gale Hawthorne, district 2 has left the games. That is all, thank you for your cooperation'.

Mother and I beam with delight. We did it, did it for Gale. I wonder what he is doing now, probably lying in a soft, comfy bed. Oh, I'm jealous.

'Willow, I want to get out of here today' stated mother. 'I agree' I reply 'there's six left, and we know they are on this side on the arena'. 'We can do it' she says 'we can end this today and get home to Peeta and Rye... I miss them' says mother. 'Me too' I reply 'lets get going, we can't waste any time'. We pack up our sleeping bags and I sling my bow and arrow over my shoulder and we head off into the forest. 'Where will we go first?' I ask. 'The lake' says mother 'our water bottles are running low and there is a high chance the others are nearby'. I nod.

After walking about a long hour I realise how hungry I am, we haven't eaten for at least two days. 'Mother' I say 'are you not hungry?'. 'Starving' she replies. I lift up my T-shirt, I can see my ribs, I have lost a lot of weight. 'Please' I shout into the sky. 'Where are the sponsors?' I ask mother. She stops walking 'your right' he says 'there hasn't been any packages for days'. I feel a deep grumble in my stomach. 'Mother do you think... We have no sponsors left?' I ask worryingly. 'I don't know' she replies 'but we have Peeta and Gale... And even Haymitch, even though he's old he still has plenty of money, please' pleads mother. Why aren't they sending us anything?' I ask. 'There must be food nearby' says mother 'there must be a reason they're  holding it off, we just haven't discovered it yet'. Mmm... I hope so I think to myself, the hunger is beginning to become unbearable. It's horrible not knowing what's going on out there.

We continue walking, taking each step as it comes. We haven't come across any tributes. Maybe they're hiding, they are scared to face us, many of them have lost a son or daughter or mother or father. It makes me sad thinking about this, imagine what it must be like for them. They're all alone out there...

I think about who's left. There's Reagan and Celeb from district 4, the last time we saw them we gave them another chance, apparently my grandma saved Caleb's son. They feel they owe us, they doesn't want to kill us. I'm not looking forward to meeting them. Then also from district 4 is Mabel Fisher, another previous victor who lost her daughter Lacey earlier on in the games, by the hands of mother. She's not going to be easy. I try and rack my brains, who else?. Bennett, from district 7 who killed Izak... And escaped. We must kill him... For Gale. Then there's Mathew Banks, district 12 who lost his father, Cirrus not so long ago, also killed by mother. He is the one who injured my arm. Mathew must be lonely. I count them up that's only five, who else I there I ask myself, think. Oh yes district one... I just can't think if his name... It starts with a B, I think. I ask mother. 'Blythe' she responds. Oh yes that's it, we haven't seen him since we have entered the arena. I wonder it is who has died, who's cannon that was that this morning. We'll just have to wait and see.

The day went by very slowly, we walked for miles but came across nobody. We refilled our water bottles but there is no sign of food. I am weak. We could go back to the long grass and kill some mutts, but that's another days journey. We are just to weak now. Eventually I collapse next to a tree. 'I can't go on' I say. 'Me neither' says mother 'but we must at least climb up the tree for safety'. I agree. As soon as we are up I get myself into my sleeping bag. My stomach is aching. It's now beginning to get dark. Mother and I just lye there listening to the forest sounds. 'Hopefully, we will leave soon' she says. 'I hope so' I reply. I'm sick of it in here I just want to go home. I miss father. I miss Rye and now I'm beginning I miss Gale. He protected us now we are in this alone, just mother and I.

Suddenly we hear a loud creak. Instantly I bolt out of my sleeping bag and grab my bow and arrow and mother is ready too. 'What was that' states mother. My heart is racing. It is partially dark so we can see. 'Keep quiet' she says. We are looking at the forest floor beneath us. We are hidden by the tree. We wait for someone to come but no one does. What was that mysterious sound? Where did it come from?.

Mother and I settle back into our sleeping bags and wait for the capitals anthem to play in the sky. Shortly afterwards the familiar tune is playing loudly through the arena. Even louder than normal... Ear piercingly loud... We wait in anticipation. Who has died?

Then suddenly we hear another loud creak, like the same as earlier, but this is louder and longer. 'Whats going on?' I scream over the awful sound. Mother has a worried look on her face. What is that! We decide to pack up our things incase we need to move on. We weren't shown who has died. As we hit the forest floor we realise something's not right. The strange sound has now stopped and all we can hear is... Nothing... Not even the mocking jays singing. I am now confused. What is going on. Another strange noise is now heard. We hear other tributes screaming. They sound near. 'We're moving' says mother. We beginning running through the forest trying to run away from the noises but everywhere we go we can hear them.

Suddenly out of the ordinary an hovercraft appears. A man is standing on it and says  'attention tributes there has been a technical issue with the arena system, please stay where you are, and don't do anything exciting that we wouldn't want to miss or there will be consequences. We will be back shortly. Thank you for your cooperation'. I am gobsmacked, there are no cameras, we aren't being watched. This is... Brilliant. Mother smiles and gives me a massive hug. 'Woooo' she shouts and then quickly covers her mouth 'whoops'. There are masses of 'woo's' going around the arena, people are happy, we have some freedom. 'What do we do now?' I ask. 'I don't know' replies mother 'this has never happened before'.

Hey, I hope ye have enjoyed this chapter. I still haven't told ye who has died, but this is for a reason.

Please comment if you want a dedication in my next chapter :)

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