Chapter 18- Allies?

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There are three of them, Reagan and Caleb and Lacey Fisher, the daughter of previous victor Mabel Fisher. Mother lunges forward and knocks Lacey to the ground. I pull out my knife and go for Reagan. We are fighting, and we hear a cannon boom, Lacey is dead. Suddenly Caleb shouts out 'STOP!' We stop in confusion. 'What?' I snarl. 'We don't want to kill you' says Caleb. 'Why?' Demands mother. 'We know your mother Katniss' he says 'and your grandmother' he says pointing at me, 'she saved my sons life, he was almost dead, and I brought him to her and... She saved him'.


'But why shouldn't we kill you?' mother says harshly. Caleb replies 'because... We want to ally with you'. 'We are not allying with anyone' says Gale roughly, 'we have enough'. Mother walks away and I follow behind her. She shouts back 'we will leave you live this once but not again'.

We walk in silence for about a half an hour.We keep an eye out for other tributes. There are many thoughts going around my head. My mouth now feels like sandpaper. thirsty. Where are the sponsors?.

Suddenly we come across a lake. My eyes nearly pop out of my head. We all run and just jump straight in. I drink until I can't drink anymore. The water is so fresh. 'This is amazing' shouts mother and puts her hand straight over her mouth. 'Woops' she mumbles. We all lay I'm the lake and scrub our skin with our hands until its red raw. We had a layer of grime on our bodies. We fill our water bottles to the top.

We must leave again because its too dangerous to stay, the other tributes are bound to make daily visits to the lake. 'How about setting up a few traps around the lake?' I suggest. 'Yes, great idea' says Gale.

I do the basic but yet most successful trap. It leaves a person dangling from the tree by their foot. I set up a few of those around the lake, leaving only one piece of rope to spare. I go over to Gale and Izak and I see they have set up a net trap that will catch anything that goes under it. It is triggered by someone standing on the rope. 'Cool' I say. I seem to remember the snares trainer telling us something about a net trap. Mother is over at the other side of the lake. She has collected some berries and has them left on a pile on the ground. I recognise instantly what she's doing. They are nightlock berries, if a tribute eats them they will die in seconds. 'Where did you find them' I ask. There's a bush just over there' she says pointing in the direction of a small tree. I walk over a pick a few more and add them to her pile. We then wash our hands by pouring water from our bottles on them and we refill our bottles again. We don't want to poison the lake just yet. This may be our only source of water.

'Ready' shouts Gale. 'Yeah' mother and I reply. The four if us head off and search for somewhere to camp for the night.

We only walk for a few minutes and come across a huge tree with big thick branches. 'This will do' says Gale. We climb up very high and hide amount the leaves. 'How about some food' I suggest. Luckily we have some cooked mutt because it would be too dangerous to light a fire near camp. 'Mmm.... tastes just as good a chicken' says Izak. We all laugh, surprisingly it does taste as good as chicken. We wash it down with a small bit of lake water from our bottles and decide to settle down into our sleeping bags. We don't need anyone on guard. We're not going to get caught in the trees so we all can hopefully get a goods nights sleep. We've had a long day.

Just then the anthem begins to play. We see Lacey Fishers face appear in the sky. I wonder how her mother, Mabel will react, will she know how Reagan and Caleb tried to ally with us?. We'll never know I guess.

'We really need to start taking out some tributes' says mother. 'I agree' says Gale 'they must be at this side of the cornucopia, this will never end otherwise'.

There is now 21 tributes remaining, this has got to be a record, 21 tributes remain in day 6. We also haven't seen many tributes. They must be all at this side of the cornucopia. There may be a few deaths tomorrow I feel... Hopefully, I want mother and I to get out here as soon as possible, even though I can't bare to think of Gale and Izak dying. We have become very close over the last few days.

I think back at what they must be doing at home, how are Father and Rye coping?. It must be awful for father to watch this, it brings back many awful memories for him.

'BOOM'. I hear the boom of a cannon. I quickly glance over to Gale, Izak and mother. Phew, they're okay. I guess I'll find out who has died tommorow.

Its day 6

20 tributes remain

What will tomorrow bring?

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't update in a while. Been very busy in school.

What do you think tomorrow will bring for Willow, Katniss, Izak and Gale?

If you have any suggestions for in the arena, I would be delighted to hear them!

Comment and vote. Thanks


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